Proof of God's existence

by Blackboo 96 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?


    Why wont God reveal Himself to all of us?

    You need more cowbell!

  • nvrgnbk

    JCanon is saved.

    That's good enough.


  • poppers

    " What gives the people the idea's to brutally murder people?"

    Perhaps it's not a lack of understanding "god" and believing in him/her/it but a lack of understanding themselves.

  • JCanon

    So what you are saying is that, because it exists, the universe must have had a creator. By that logic, one then must ask: Who created the creator?

    If you say the creator did not need a creator, then why not just remove that extra layer and just say the universe didn't need a creator?

    You know what? That is EXACTLY what most humans would want to know, because everything we see we sense as a beginning.

    But I'll tell you about my personal talk with the Creator myself, that which I am allowed to remember at this time. The first thing I asked him was: "How did you get here?" You know what he told me, in a very simple and direct matter of fact way, very much like Diana Ross talks to you if you've ever spoken with her one-on-one and asked a stupid question. God just said, without a blink: "I WAS ALWAYS HERE."

    Of course, at that point I felt totally stupid, because, of course, I already knew that!! The Bible says that and the witnesses teach that: God has no beginning! DOHHHHHH! I guess I was expecting something else or something more in detail but that was it.

    I don't want to say that God was saying he didn't really KNOW how he got here or not. I think the very essence of JUST BEING AND ALWAYS HAVING BEEN is the profundity to be probed in and of itself. It's part of how great and awe inspiring he is. This is something we cannot comprehend since it is too close to the essence of God himself.

    It's an unending circle. Since obviously if God said, well this other God created me and put me here, we'd ask, well where did that other God come from? And if he was created, then where did that God come from, etc. etc. It never ends. God's essence of JUST BEING is what makes him GOD compared to anything else. He's unsearchable. He's incomprehensible.

    I'll tell you this though. There was no TIME or concept of TIME until Christ was created. Christ thus represents HALF of the existence of God in the future, and he still exists in the past before he Created Christ in some sense.

    It's like traveling to the ends of the universe until you finally come to the edge or this black hole or something and when you enter it, you come out on the other side of the universe where you began. It's a CIRCLE. A circle that has no begining or no end.

    Or INFINITY is like a flat rubber band that you cut at one place and then twist and tape together resulting in a ONE-SIDED object that used to have two sides. That's a concept of infinity. Something that has two sides but that are connected in a strange way. These are things we can't understand but gives us a concept of what God MIGHT be like.

    I'll finally say this. If you're with someone, or in someone's presence, you sense and observe certain things. You can tell if they are laid back, on vacation or retired or if they are waiting to go somone where else after lunch with you. You can sense that you were an important but only one item on their busy agenda. That's sort of what I felt when in the Creator's presence. That he had "taken time out of his busy schedule" to attend to my dumb questions and allow me this closer look. And he would be there until I was completely satisfied, but the moment I was gone he wasn't going to hang around and finish his coffee. He was doing something else that I was interrupting temporarily.

    So there's your answer from God himself, asked by me personally. It's the answer he's already given us: HE'S ALWAYS BEEN HERE. We can't wrap our minds around that but if we could, God might not be such a god, right?



  • Marcel

    JCanon is the best! period ;D

  • changeling

    Your reasoning that there must be a god because of all the "bad" things we see in the world is hillarious! In effect you are saying god created evil. So let me ask you, why do you worship such a god?

    I for one am no longer convinced there is a god and one of the reasons is: yep, you guessed it- because of the existance of evil. A loving god would not have created evil. If there is a god, and he created all things, than he did indeed create evil. Whether he did it to teach us a lesson or whatever, he is not worthy of my worship.

    Any way you look at it I'm done with worship, that's for sure.


  • fedorE

    Jc are there others like urself that have had this experience . Im not going to say you are lying .Im not. No matter at the moment. Listen though ..there is a certain individual named THE PROPHET OF YAHWEH. He claims to be in contact with Yahweh. He also claims to be able to call ufos in the sky at his beckon call....believe it or not its on google video.a news team recorded lights in the sky when he took them for the dare in the local park. Why does God operate like this JC?

  • journey-on
    TIME or concept of TIME until Christ was created

    This makes sense because there has to be two of something to have a relativity. And time is based on relativity.

  • poppers

    "God just said, without a blink: "I WAS ALWAYS HERE."

    So you saw him too. What's he look like?

    I am not arguing or questioning the existence of god, but I do question man's conception of what he is/isn't based on so called scriptures and the interpretation of those scriptures. Then factor in the power of the mind and some amazing things are possible.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I am convinced. God exists. My life is now transformed ... back to my beer.

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