Demon Experiences

by gumby 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    I tell the demons what to do.

    They ignore me.

    Make them your bitches and they will go away.

  • Warlock
    Maybe it's the JW's literature that is demonized, since normal folks don't seem to have as many problems as the dubs do and most people don't see demunz.


    There was a time period a year ago or so when I made it a point to ask some non-dubs about any type of supernatural experiences that they have had, and I was suprised at how many had. Some were reluctant because they had been made fun of, but I talked them into it.

    When you have a chance, you might want to ask some of the non-dubs that you know, the same thing. You might be suprised like I was.



    If we do tell our stories we get "demonized" by other posters!!! I have some very real stories that happened in broad daylight, but I'm not about to share it for all those who will say it's all in my mind!!! LOL! I guess it was in a few other people's minds at the same time! Here is one that I will share:

    When I was about 12 we were on vacation in the N.C. mountains...for some reason my parents decided to take us to see the "Brown Mountain Lights", there were about 25 - 30 people all gathered at the same spot. About 11:45, we saw a light start moving across the slowly went down in the valley area and then back up again. We watched for about an hour or so....

    Scientists theorize it is some kind of gases?????? Wonder why it starts around midnight???


  • nvrgnbk

    I for one would never ridicule a person for recounting a supernatural experience.

    I've just never had one.

    Was terrified of the demons till I became "aware".

    Now, I have no fear.

    I am fascinated by the stories of the "believers" and do not think them to be less intelligent.


    Here's a link for the "Brown Mountain Lights":

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