Wife and kids left me

by thepackage 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave


    I feel for you, you are in for quite a few changes.

    The walls seem to close in the silence becomes oppressive, but I assure you it gets better in time and may eventually be better than it was before all the upheaval.

    Make no mistake, adultery HAS occured, but it is HER adultery with the WTS organization. To give the loyalty and and honor due her husband to the WTS is a form of cheating in MY book!

    I advise you to begin a geurilla war for your kids, It might make you an object of astracism, but in the end, it will all be worth it. YOU HAVE TO WIN for your kid's sake.

    This sucks, but blame lies squarely at the doorstep to the Control Tower.

    We're with ya, man. I'm just a PM away.


  • sinis

    When you get served, if you haven't already, send the local BOE a copy. Ask them where is the biblical justification in a non biblical divorcing? Force them to take action against your wife. In fact I would send a nice letter to Bethel along with a copy of the notice and the cong your wife attends. I would then get any and all information (custody info the witnesses put out) and get a good lawyer, show them what the witnesses teach and tell him that your wifes religion is a threat to your children.

    Here's a tid bit. I have a friend, wordly of course, who plays the bars. He has told me numerous times that married women always think the grass is greener on the other side and are constantly cheating on their husbands (not that yours did that). He has told me that NO ONE, thats right, NO ONE wants a married woman or a woman who is recently divorced with kids. All men want is a one nighter. Although this mentality may be different in the cong. I doubt it. If you really love her you may want to wake her up to reality. How will she pay bills? Who will pay for clothes, food, schooling supplies, etc.? God, another man? Trust in god only goes so far. Another man, doubful.

    Oh, check your local laws to see if you can file something against your wife such as parental kidnapping since she has bolted with your kids.

  • delilah
    invite her over to talk about things one last time over a coffee...then piss in it

    NINJA!!!! What a terrible thing to say..... snicker.... Thepackage.............I'm very sorry for your pain.....hang in there, get yourself a good lawyer...I know, they're damned expensive, however, you'll need one. And continue to post here...you have our support.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, strength to you and my heartfelt sympathy. Sorry for this. Don't
    ever give up on the kids, as they will one day appreciate your stand for
    the actual real "truth."

  • nvrgnbk

    I've no words for you brother.

    Just .

    Take care.

  • jgnat

    Remember, you are still a dad. You will play a huge role in the development of your children. Don't give up that role lightly, even if it ends up being part-time. I have twenty years experience hanging with fellow single parents, and I have plenty of testimonies of the dads who stuck it out, their children thanked them and remembered them as adults.



  • Sunspot


    I am so sorry to hear your wife dumped on you in favor of the cold and uncaring Watchtower Society. Maybe your wife left you, but your kids didn't leave you....they were dragged off by your wife. I doubt they had any "say" in any of this.

    You have plenty of friends here and many listening ears whenever you need them,



  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Try to find some fun things to do with your kids whenever you get visitation. You have that right as a father. Your kids do not deserve to lose their father and you don't deserve to lose them because of leaving a cult. I am very sorry to hear of this.

  • purplesofa

    thinking of you


  • Es

    Im so sorry that this has happened, big hugs....I wonder how she will go in the congo explaining her non scriptual divorce???


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