Wife and kids left me

by thepackage 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    I have no idea what to say, just know that i am thinking of you and im really sorry.


  • lavendar

    I'm so sorry, the package, for the pain you must be going through right now. I'm a firm believer in Hope......and I hope your wife realizes what a mistake it was to leave you. Sometimes people think it's "greener on the other side"....only to find out they were mistaken. I hope she comes back to you......

    Warm regards,


  • Metamorphosis

    Terribly sorry to hear it. Best of wishes in the coming months as you deal with this. Remember it's not your fault or decision. I had a friend who left and his wife and he seperated and he has done well at rebuilding and re-establishing himself, so there is a future. For now know our thoughts and prayers are with you.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I am so sad to hear of your experience. Remember that it is not your fault, it's the Watchtower that breaks up families.

    Do you have any close friends or family? This can be a painful process, having people close by support will be much needed. Some of us may even be closer than you think.

    For the sake of your kids you may want to start to gather all of the research you can regarding child custody. The JWs have a special pamphlet that instructs kids to basically lie in court, getting that is important. There are many people out there with alot of expierance in dealing with this kind of stuff including many members of this board. Take advantage of what they can offer.

    Stay strong!


  • Finally-Free

    Sorry this has happened. My marriage didn't survive my leaving the cult either. Luckily we didn't have kids.


  • smellsgood

    I'm terribly sorry to hear that. But, she can't just take the kids without getting custody...in my state its primary parenting. Whoever in the preceeding years was the "more" parent...is favored. So in my parents case, my Mum is the primary parent of my ickle bro/sis. It's a little less troublesome than custody...I hope things work out for you!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Thepackage,

    WELCOME to the forum!!! (((HUGS!!!))) I am so very sorry you are going through this!! Please hang in there, and know that you are not alone!! You have all of us here at JWD!! Many here have undergone, and are going through simular things. You will find friendship and empathy here.

    Sincerely Your Friend,

    Lady Liberty

  • GoingGoingGone


    I'm so sorry for what you're going through.


  • jaguarbass

    Sorry to hear that, There will be better days ahead.

  • zack

    Very sorry, mate.

    Hope it works out. All the best....

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