How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

by restrangled 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • pmouse

    Same here. I don't post often, but when I do post, it's me and I'm pulling no punches. I really enjoy reading the posts and Restrangled, I think we're all learning and healing from the interaction on here. Ignore the trolls and those who are confrontational, they obviously have their own issues.

    The rest of us appreciate your input and hope that you continue to post and start topics. This is a good one. At least one I can certainly relate to!


  • changeling

    I'm honest in that what I say is completly true. However, being a fader and not wanting to stir anything up I have to be careful about disclosing to much info. When I feel the need to say something revealing, I PM someone rather then putting it out here for "anyone" to see. It's one thing that makes me want to DA.

  • restrangled

    Isn't it wonderful..... most of us feel comfortable enough to expose a part of ourselves.....I don't believe this is possible on most boards.

    I know for myself I have revealed more than I normally would have, but have come to trust so many on this board.

    Thanks to all, thanks for revealing yourselves, and allowing me to do the same.


  • misanthropic
    I hope all who read me here always see my sincerity.

    I've noticed R. I'm always honest about myself although somewhat reserved. It's hard to put yourself out there when often times other people might take that as an apportunity to take advantage of you.

  • jaguarbass

    How does it go belief half of what you read and none of what you hear. Seems like a good place to start.

  • mouthy

    Oh since I put all my sins on here & some have said I am TO honest....What you read about me IS me!!!!
    Bossy, direct, kind,big headed, nosy, fat, cult breaker, & ruddy fed up with waiting to" go home"
    My DEAR????friends tell me I am too ornery to die....We will see

  • restrangled

    Mouthy, I am a big fan of your honesty dear!!!!!

    Love you,


  • Twitch

    Part of the reason I sought out other xdubs and online boards was due to the process of really being honest with myself and with others. A path of learning what is true in me which has been at times painful but not without result. I like to think my input has been more positive than not. There is always more to learn in life, eh? I dislike the pop quizzes though, especially when I haven't been studying,.....

    I appreciate the honesty of the posts/posters here. You know who you are :-) It is a touchstone in a sense, a semi-anonymous virtual connection to what is real and I do appreciate the irony of things, lol. What was, is and what I hope to be. Thus, me.

    Or something like that.

  • purplesofa

    the only time i am not honest is when i post


    I am not really laughing.


  • restrangled

    Thanks for your replies...and I believe you are all honest posters...including you is the charm of this forum making it unique and addictive as it is.....


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