How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

by restrangled 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Same on here as in real life. What you "see" is what you get. I, too, have had some, lets say, less than favourable reactions to some of my threads/posts. It comes with the territory. This is sometimes a very difficult media to get certain points/feelings across properly.


  • SacrificialLoon

    What little I do post about myself is honest.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    But other than that, yup, I'm always honest.

    In fact just the other day I was posting on a ouija board topic... I was tempted to just say that I had already tried them and they didn't work. (Because I already knew it wouldn't anyway...) But I didn't, so I went ahead and got online and downloaded a printable ouija board to use... (THEN I told everyone it didn't work.)

    It would have been a heck of a lot easier to just skip that and say I did. And nobody would have known... in fact I could be lying right now and you wouldn't know it... but that wouldn't have been very nice.


  • RollerDave

    Everything I've said about myself is the truth, and a lot of things I HAVEN'T said are true as well.

    I have put myself out there, and I have no problem with it, but I have used catchphrase codenames for anybody else I reference, common courtesy and all.

    Honesty is the best policy, and what are they going to do, say they saw my posting at an apostate forum? I'd laugh in their faces.

    If 'bad guys' took offence and decided to find me, they probably could, but they'd also find a 12 ga. enema waiting for them.

    It's not pretty, but it works!


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Sometimes I feel over-exposed due to my matter-of-fact posts, which are mostly sober; some are drunken and then I'm really a bit worried.

    People being unfriendly or mistrusting towards me at these boards concerns me less than when people actually contact me and take a personal interest and start PM'ing me and such. I feel paranoid, vulnerable, totally mistrusting, wondering, 'what am I being set up for' (because I know I must have pissed some one off with my honesty).

    Honesty about a cult and about a cult-influenced family can be a catch-22, don't you think? It's certainly that way for me. I think I am that way in the real world a bit too. I move away from intimacy, even though I wish for it, due to the fear of being damaged again because of my honest appraisal and sharing my perceptions. (And let's not even go on to the topic of questioning my perceptions about things - always questioning that, too! What a headache).

  • lonelysheep

    I'm honest. Again, I don't have anyone to lose due to saying something like, "For a couple years, I went to Irvington North Congregation..blah blah blah."

  • steve2

    I think it's perfectly normal in any kind of forum - internet or otherwise - to be kind of guarded just to see what the "rules" of transaction are. Of course, anonymity means that some posters appear to be pretty blunt in their responses; but that's not everyone.

    I'd say most people here have had some kind of negative experiences with the JWs and/or the Watchtower Society. But I don't know this for sure. So, sometimes it comes as a shock that even on this forum, I have sometimes be on the receiving end of negative stuff. My view is, "That's life".

    I try to understand where people are coming from and that helps me temper the (occasional) shock. I have learned to accept that this is the price I pay for being in an open forum. I'm honest in my comments, but I don't wear my heart on my sleeve.


    Besides my actual name, and location I am being very accurate.

  • IP_SEC
    I hope all who read me here always see my sincerity

    Thou doth protesteth much me thinks

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

    Too dad gum honest I suppose. But that is just me.


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