How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

by restrangled 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    LMAO Ninja.

    R. Always otherwise whats the point.

  • Hortensia

    I was very revealing at first, felt the need to unburden myself I guess. Now I'm not quite so revealing, but it doesn't matter - I don't have anything to hide and being honest is better than not. However, I have to say that on many sites that want too much information (you have to give your birth date just to get the information you want), I make up info. There that's being honest about not being honest.

  • Hobo

    apparently too much so- I feel as alien here as I always have- maybe I've been 'out' too long to really connect with anybody...

  • restrangled

    Thanks for your responses. Even though this is available on the "Net" I feel that honesty is always the best policy especially for the benefit of those trying to get out.

    There are some things I wish I could take back but I guess that adds to who I am in the long run and hope that it contributes to someone's outing of the borg.

    I posted this based on what I was accused of a long time ago.. I later found out that what I was accused of by the Elders, they themselves were actually guilty of. They used me as a whipping post for their own guilty consciences.

    I am very sensitive to this with new elder postings ( I will not post the name).....



  • PEC

    I have nothing to hide, my life JW is an open book, it is also, ancient history.

    For the 27 years that I have been out, the trauma and pain, (inflicted on me by that destructive cult) has been pushed into the back of my mind. I never thought about it, I just moved on and pretended that it never happened.

    In January I found JWD, have started the process of digging up and dealing with the demons of my childhood.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I was never hugg!ed as a child and I cry during sad movies!

  • juni

    Very. Sometimes I blah blah too much.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    I have nothing to hide, my life JW is an open book, it is also, ancient history.

    For the 27 years that I have been out, the trauma and pain, (inflicted on me by that destructive cult) has been pushed into the back of my mind. I never thought about it, I just moved on and pretended that it never happened.

    In January I found JWD, have started the process of digging up and dealing with the demons of my childhood.


    Same here, Phillip.

    Been out 32 years, but dogged by depression since childhood. Found the boards about a year ago, and realised that I wasn't alone.

    Nice to meet you!


  • Stealth453

    Why lie? We have all had enough lies and BS to last us a lifetime. I know for a fact, that I have.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

    A.: Honest enough, as far as you know.

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