How honest about yourself are you here on this forum?

by restrangled 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I guess I am too open. Many times I have been slammed and get furious with the results. There are a few posters including some long time members and possible trolls that enrage me. I never think to not be myself and honestly post about my life or situations. Those who do the same, it seems I can spot in an instant.

    I hope all who read me here always see my sincerity.

    Are you being honest when you post?


  • ninja

    completely....I have my name photos and references to people I know on here....I hope in future if anyone knows me they can approach me for someone to lean on in getting out of the cult of cults

  • anewme

    Yes. How can you receive help to move on from the borg if you are not honest?
    That is the point of the forum, to move onward and outward and away from the Watchtower prison.
    Honesty invites a healthy discussion and inspection and direction.
    I have received both sympathy and reprimand here on JWD and I welcomed them both.
    Everyone coming from the Watchtower Society is pretty screwed up by it (whether they admit it or not)

    Honesty and sincerity is the best policy here on JWD......otherwise you are just wasting yours and everyone else' valuable time.

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    I used to post more often and more personal thoughts when I first joined the board which was when I had justed DA'd. I gradually began pulling back in my posting style and quit putting myself out there to be stomped on. Now I pretty much, but not always, just make nonsense useless posts to be silly and ABSOLUTELY start NO threads. While I do post once in a while anymore, the only exception that gets me to post almost every time I see it is when somebody wants computer help.

  • ninja

    by the way....I must admit...I'm not a real ninja....not even black pyjamas.......sniff


    I find it extremely therapeutic to be honest about everything that I've posted. This forum has helped me feel like I am not alone. I actually feel the warmth and support here that I was always told that I felt in the congregation.Of course this awakening has all happened very fast (once I started looking for info. on the evil internet that is) so I hold back a little. Actually if anyone who knows me read my post history it wouldn't be difficult to i.d. me because of how open I am.

    I agree with ninja about peole recognizing me by posts and picture and look forward to when I can be completely open and honest.

  • JeffT

    I've always tried to be honest on this and the other forums I visit (mostly non-jw related). The only reason I'm not "Jeff Thomas" here is because somebody already had the name when I tried to register. I have a bit of an advantage in that all but one of my wife's relatives is out, and mine never were JW's; and we've been out since 1988. What are they going to do, disfellowship us?

  • Tara


    by the way....I must admit...I'm not a real ninja....not even black pyjamas.......sniff



  • Mum

    Completely. I have no JW family left except a cousin who is well into her 70's and does not use the internet, so nothing to lose.

    I am so honest about myself that if anyone read all of my posts and put them together, they might be very confused and think I'm schizophrenic because I had a good pre-JW life with my grandparents and a horrible life with my bio parents (sperm and egg donors) and siblings, then became a JW as a teenager and pretty much stayed with it until I was over 30.

    Putting the past behind, I am an open book,


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I think I drink too much, I mean how long have I had this pint of Guinness???

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