June 12th is tomorrow, are you ready for armageddon?

by dawg 195 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse


    Ariana, If you can't even form proper sentence structure and use correct spelling and grammer, how are your 4 children going to learn anything that is above 2nd grade level???? I do hope your children are a far more intelligent than you have appeared to be. Put them in school, you are not qualified to be their teacher. I call it like I see it.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, 8:07 here in the UK, and no sign of the big A yet...

    ariana, you can't have learned much from the jws, you used the "L" word

    He is a God of love so lucky for you even with your insulting words to a stranger he still waits for you to turn your life around and serve him so you can have a chance to keep on living, for that is the whole reason why we were created in the first place.

    No jw uses that word, though us ex jws do, we are lucky to have escaped that cult

  • brinjen
    Well, 8:07 here in the UK, and no sign of the big A yet...

    4:45 pm here, blue skies and sunny.

  • ariana

    yes I knew you would say that cause you dont believe in God anymore but Ive been studying since I was nine and now I am 32 with four children and i wont let go of the fact that jehovah really loves us and it hurts his heart everytime bad things happen and by me knowing how he feels about us and how he keeps holding on to us, being that he does not have to, will keep me in his right hand until I cannot breath anymore

  • ariana

    If you know what it means inbrace it rather than correct me

  • ariana

    Why do you believe that this is not true?

  • ariana

    Are you sure you use to be a witness?

  • eclipse

    Ariana, Why would anyone here LIE about being a Witness?

    No one here on this thread is lying about being a witness, we just have had our brains unlocked, and our eyes opened.

    All of the beliefs were the same as yours, only we now know them to be UNTRUE.

    You are still under the JW spell.

  • ariana

    before jesus was hung we did not have the chance to be saved because of what we inherited from adam and eve, so now those who decide to worhship him will be saved.

  • neverendingjourney

    I thought I was going to find a witness on here I guess not sorry i bortherd you all

    Yes, if you are looking for people to tell you how wonderful the JW version of God is and how great and wonderful his "loving organization is," you've come to the wrong spot. You are unlikely to find such a spot on the internet because "Jehovah's channel" has prohibited JWs from participating on online forums that discuss matters of faith.

    However, if you want to see a different side of what you believe to be Jehovah's organization, a side that you've never seen before, this is the place for you. If you want to read about things the society does not want you to know, this is the place for you. If you want to think for yourself instead of having to repeat the slogans that are shoved into your brain by the JWs, this is the spot for you. If not, you are wasting your time here rambling on about how great Jehovah is and how wonderful his organization is. We've already been there. We know what it's all about.

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