What was your WORST Field Service encounter???

by TheCoolerKing 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Oh the memories reading this brings back!

    Most of our territory was rural, so lots of dogs, and yes, farmers with shotguns. Cold winters where your toes freeze. Oh did I mention the dogs??


  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Aside from the usual householder threats and foul language, there are a few that stand out:

    Standing at the front door, hearing noise inside and seeing an angry dog run out of the back door and chase us half-way down the street.

    Getting cursed out by a mean elderly lady, then she threw a shovel at me as I was walking down the driveway away from her house.

    While working by myself (there was an uneven car group), I went inside a house with two very nice, very interested ladies. After I got in, they pummeled me with questions about the Bible and then tryed to exorcise the demons out of me. They blocked my way out of the door. I got nasty with them and told them they had "problems", then I pushed through both of them and got out of the door.

  • greendawn

    It was when someone that was obviously mentally unstable chased us away with a big stick of wood. He said to us: can you see the mercury in my eye? We said no and that's when he went berserk.

    Imagine running such risks for a whore like organisation that didn't care one bit about our well being and had nothing good to offer us.

  • Mr Hyde
    Mr Hyde

    I was once "egged" A car drove past, i felt a pain in my back and thought i had been punched in the back by someone, looked behind and there was no one there, then the sister i was with pointed out i had egg dripping down the back of my suit.

    Then there was the time the house own opened the door stark naked with a hard on.

    As a child I remember calling on a spiritualist with my mum, I can't remember what he said but i know I left the house terrified and had to be taken home.

  • VanillaMocha73

    Having a shotgun poked in our car window as we were escorted off the property

    Being attacked by a rooster

    I was with a friend and there was a huge rottweiller in the yard. It was friendly, but it came up to my friend, lifted its leg and peed on her foot.

    I had an mag call for about a year - this old guy. One day I went with another girl (yeah - the young teen girls going to stranger's houses, been commented on before here). He invited us in and we went, since I'd been talking to him for so long and he had seemed OK. We walk in and immediately see naked kid pics all over. There is a half-naked girl crying on the couch and telling us we should get out of there. He blocked our way to the door and started swearing at us, while another guy came around the corner with a knife in his hand. I hit the panic button to my car alarm, which caused the young brothers in the car to realize something was wrong and they came to get us. We got out OK and neither one of us thought to call the police.

    Seeing the man I just placed mags with on the street get gunned down by another man who had been standing there.

    Let's see.. are there more? I think so, but can't think of them just now.

  • Namaste

    A friend and I moved to another state to work "where the need was great" (it really wasn't, apparently they had the territory covered just fine over the course of the year. I think they just wanted to see some fresh blood in the hall once in awhile) for 6 months.

    So we were out in farm country driving mile upon mile to the next house. Come across a young guy in the yard of some ratty looking house/farm and proceed to tell him the good news. He gets all happy and smiley with us, which exposes all the chewing tobacco stuck in his teeth *shiver*) and invites us into the house. Being good dub-girls we follow and find another brother and ole pappy. The have us sit on 2 chairs in the kitchen and proceed to leer and slobber over us for the next half hour while my friend diligently tries to place magazines and invite them to the hall. I didn't say much, I was always pretty crappy at field service!

    I felt so sick to my stomach the whole time we were there, I remember trying to keep my legs from shaking. I kept thinking is this where we get raped and murdered??? Now that I have seen parts of the movie Deliverance, I remember thinking when I saw they bad guys, hey that's what the farmers looked like at the house where I thought I was going to die!

    I can honestly say my prayers to God during that call were fervent and from the depths of my soul.

  • TheCoolerKing
    He blocked our way to the door and started swearing at us, while another guy came around the corner with a knife in his hand. I hit the panic button to my car alarm, which caused the young brothers in the car to realize something was wrong and they came to get us. We got out OK and neither one of us thought to call the police.

    I'm so glad you made it out of there Vanilla! That was so scary! Again, why did / do they have teenage girls going into strangers homes alone???

    I felt so sick to my stomach the whole time we were there, I remember trying to keep my legs from shaking. I kept thinking is this where we get raped and murdered???

    Welcome to the board Namaste! What a horrible experience that you had to endure! Thanks for sharing that painful story...hope to see more of your posts in the future...


  • Mysterious

    I got mooned in the window from a kid in my class. He spat on me the next day in gym class too and the teacher laughed because he didn't like JW kids. I also had to "take the call" when it was a classmate of mine. She always smelled awful and was objectively unattractive and rather overweight. My friends and I used to be mean to her but I stopped after that because I was afraid she might blackmail me. Other classmates called me out in the hallways before for having knocked on their door, I didn't always remember them because prior to middle school they were from different schools as me.

    I also when I was really young went to a call with my mom and another sister. I wanted to take it but for some reason she ended up doing it. The guy called us parasites and said we were leeching money from his mother and threatened to break our legs if we ever came back and then made like he was going to run us over with a snomobile. I remember the most people asking me if I was okay and putting the JW spin on it. I think I was maybe 5 but I remember almost all of what he said vividly.

    I also had a dog bite my bookbag once. I had some good counsel from Poztate how to deal with dogs so I fed it to him and probably saved my arm as a result. I always kept my arms up and away from my sides in service with dogs because I was short.

    I remember people coming to the door in their underwear, pajamas, nightgowns, housecoats and sometimes just a towel but none of that seemed to phase me. Though one sister said she would be 'brief' and the guy said I will be too and dropped his drawers...I always found that one hillarious.

    Icy driveways were always bad in the winter too, there were some awful falls from me and others.

  • Bangalore

    Great stories.


  • outofthelionsden

    When I was little (still in a stroller) we were preaching in a very bad neighborhood , lots of gangs. My mom started preaching at a door and the guy took out a shotgun and started counting backwards 10 9 8 7... he said "you better start running before i shoot you in the head"...mom starts running with the sister and at the same time pushing me in the stroller, the guy starts chasing us! as we get to the car , a police patrol passed by us and mom told them what happened.

    very scary for a 3 year old..maybe thats why I always had anxiety going door to door.

    Last year my husband and I with our small children were preaching in a decent area and a man opened the door, So my husband starts talking, the whole time the man didn't say anything but I noticed that he had his hand behind his back. Well within a few minutes of my hubby taking to him, He just looked at my husband and said you better get off my property before I use the gun behind my back and shoot you and your family!! ever since that incident my husband was not the same , He would tell that he felt it wasn't worth risking our life.

    These were the top scary experiences we have had. Other than that, having dogs released to chase us down , naked guys opening the door

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