July KM - warning against active apostates - summary

by dozy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sf

    LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Warning? LOLOLOLOL!!!!

    sKally, "active apostate" klass

  • brinjen
    Watchtower I will haunt you from beyond the grave!

    Mahamahamahahahahahahaa! I can hear them crying and whimpering from here.....Beautiful sound!


    ..WBT$ Infomercial:.."You may be talking to a pedophile on the internet..Or not.....Increase your chances of talking to a pedophile!Go to a Kingdom Hall!!..Pedophiles are an endangered species in the outside world!!..Not so at a Kingdom Hall!!.We do our best to protect them!..So..If you want a pedophile in your life,come to the place they walk freely..The Kingdom Hall!!..Bring the whole family!..Kids are always welcome!..We wouldn`t have pedophiles at the Kingdom Hall without them!"..........Eat that Jaracz!..And..Send me SkallyWaggers shoe size..It`s the boot mark on your ass!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • sass_my_frass

    Ban away, cupcakes. Children become teenagers who fight everything; they'll find a place too look up nasty apostates if they want to. Teenagers become adults who get their own place where they can download whatever they want.

  • jayhawk1
    Which begs the question, what is an inactive apostate? Do they fail to turn in their hours?

    Forgive me, I'm late turning in my time slip.

  • NeonMadman
    Before I was disfellowshipped my sister said their were only two reasons for which she would never talk to me again, if I became a pedophile or and apostate.

    What if you became a pedophile but were still an elder in good standing?

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