6 Years on JWD today

by blondie 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    Blondie, you're one of the reasons I keep coming around this place. Nearly 4 years for me, and I think I've missed very few of your great reviews. I have better attendance here than I did at the Kingdumb Hall. It's a good thing you weren't conducting the real WT study (the brainwashy one,) I might never have gotten out of there without the excruciating boredom. We once had a C.O. admit that boring talks = low meeting attendance.

  • ninja

    I'm loving your work old timer....he he....here's to the next 6 and the next 6 after that.....hey that's 666....hmmmmm....regards to you and yours blondini.....da ninjini

  • juni

    Congratulations on your 6th JWD anniversary!!

    Have you stayed too long at the fair?? Well. Has the fat lady sung yet Blondie?

    Your are an integral part of this forum. I'm blown away by your well researched answers and how you present the WT study. So many people benefit.

    I respect you very much because you back up what you say w/the facts. And sometimes even our Blondie "cuts loose" and responds in a silly way. I love it when you do that!!

    I send my love to you and wish you peace.........


  • HadEnuf

    Happy Anniversary oh most noble of Supreme Ones. As long as your fingers keep working please stay. We can never get enough "Blondieness". Hug...mumsy

  • wednesday


    does this make you

    'legally blondie'

    a fan


  • Dagney

    Dear Blondie,

    I add my thoughts with all the others, if your name pops up, I read it first! I appreciate all your comments and hard work on the weekly WT study.

    We've met before I came here over on Pathways. I hope your physical conditions improve and most of all, don't keep you from visiting here.

    Thank you for everything and "Happy JWD Birthday!"

  • mouthy

    Congratulations Blondie.Thanks for all the work you have done ---setting folks free ....((HUG)

    Hope your feeling better.

    My Great Grand-daughter is ill in hospital. so I am busy with all this now. So maybe your not coming is best as it is contagious.... You dont need any other set backs do you......?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Congrats, Blondie.

    You've been a big help. You are always ready with a WT quote or a clarification.
    I don't plan to be here everyday after awhile, but it's cheaper than many other
    hobbies, and you get to help people. Good Job.

  • stillconcerned


    Thanks for your even-headedness in every flame war and crisis....

    kimberlee d.

  • delilah

    It's not time to go yet Blondie....we still need you...Thank you for your time, love and energy, that you put into helping to free us from the borg.

    JH said,

    I think that anybody who becomes a JW, is marked for life, and will always have something to say about this religion, let it be here on this forum or in real life.

    If that ain't the truth, I don't know what is!! We ARE marked for life, unfortunately, and being here, helps us to find some sense of normalcy in life, after the borg. We need you, Blondie. Please don't go. Happy 6th anniversary.

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