Sister-in-law attempts suicide

by golf2 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    Not making light of your situation, but "Jeho's happy People" rarely are....

  • golf2

    Many thanks for the encouragement and concerns.


  • mouthy

    I am so sorry to read this
    "Father I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you will send the Comforter to aid this family- the pain this lady is going through needs a healing hand & a helpful person to heal her mind. To take away any false teachings,or hurts she has been dealt, Amen

    God be with you(((((((((HUG))))

  • anewme

    Dear Golf, this pains me very much to read of this sadness. I hope your sister in law makes it and gets some therapy to learn it is not her that needs fixing. The poor thing needed LOVE! And she was in the wrong organization to get it! God help her to survive! And I hope she leaves the witnesses and finds some peace and happiness.

  • hubert

    Golf, so sorry to hear the bad news. I hope your sister-in-law recovers, and gets the real help she truly needs.

    Sincerely...Hubert and wife

  • LtCmd.Lore

    I don't get it... if your life is THAT bad that you are willing to kill yourself. Why not take some risks first? Go skydiving, rock climbing, deep sea diving, handgliding. Worst case scenario is: You have an accident an YOU DIE. ooooh, big deal if you were planning on that anyway right?

    Move away, beat up somebody you don't like, pull some pranks, bet on the horse race, just have some fun. You could always kill yourself LATER... what's the rush?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Golf - That is very disturbing and it is good that she has someone who can be available to her in you. I hope she does well physically and recovers emotionally. Perhaps she will find some more intensive help and healing after this. I hope the best for her and for you.

  • Scully

    So sorry to hear this news, golf. I hope things work out for the best, and that she finds peace.

  • jwfacts

    I am sorry to hear of this tragedy. I know personally almost 10 JWs that have committed suicide and others that have attempted it. It does seem high considering most 'worldly' people I know do not know anyone that has committed suicide. The WTS is a breeding ground for guilt and that quite possibly has a detrimental affect mentally.

  • cruzanheart

    Golf, I hope she survives and gets the help she needs, both from the doctors and from her family. Perhaps it would help if she knows that all of us total strangers are cheering for her complete recovery?

    Hang in there and please keep us posted on her progress.



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