I've been asked to give a public talk (should I)

by darth frosty 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    OTWO thanks for that reminder. I forgot all about that post. As I said earlier I cant see myself setting foot in the hall, but the premise is I am a visiting speaker from another hall (maybe even the one I went to at bethel.) As far as the BOE is concerned my friend is kinda untouchable, all possible opposition has been weeded out. It can be done no problem with no one the wiser.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Is there a talk that you could give that you could (1) play up the Christianity = love factor, and loyalty to Christ's example and (2) play down the loyalty to the WTS factor?

    I'm trying to remember talks that my dad used to give.... Conduct Yourselves Honestly in All Things... was one of the ones he gave quite frequently. You could put a spin on it so that you incorporate the idea of "testing these things to make sure they are true" when it comes to ALL sources of information, and the expectation of honesty from those whom you have entrusted with your lives.

    I have done this many times. Might still do it since I still get requests! Oh wait a minute I'm DA'd. Then again, so what! tsof

  • watson

    "Well friends, before we get started, I just want to say what a priviledge it is to speak before you today. It's been 4 years since attending meetings and it's good to come back for a visit, see what's happening, and spend some time talking about the dangers of the internet, and how it can change your life."

  • OnTheWayOut
    OTWO thanks for that reminder. I forgot all about that post.

    BTW, I was just trying to understand your situation to understand the thread.
    I wanted to understand how a current elder or MS was posting here for years.
    It did seem like you were a successful fader. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Not a stalker,

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    This goes up and yes.......you should do it.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey if your friends wants you to do, then do it, it will be something to laugh about, and you never know you might make the whole congo leave the truth.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    There is a great story I heard about a guy who gave a talk that was on the edge.

    He got up there with Russells and Rutherfords books. He started the talk something to the effect of...

    You people are false prophets. You said the end would come in 1914, 1918, 1925 and it never did. I have the books that show you have false prophesied.

    Then a pause.

    He then went on to say 'Now imagine somebody told that to you at the door, how would you respond?'

    The rest of the talk went pretty low key with just some hinting at the truth of the matter. Right at that pause he described the looks on the Elders faces not knowing what was going on. Sounded like a moment to remember.

  • HappyDad


    When you are ready to make the BIG exit, you should do it like Little Toe did. If you aren't familiar with his story and how he exited, here it is.



  • ButtLight

    If you do, Make damn well sure you have it tape recorded for us to hear! Like suggested, do like little toe!

  • Gopher

    If you do give the talk, you have the option of which kingdom song to use at the start. Make sure that you pick a long, terrible song like "Lazarus lay sleeping, in a cold stone grave...."

    And then be sure to leave at the start of the WT Study. The conductor usually calls on the public speaker to give the final prayer, and he will probably be flustered if you're not there for that final prayer.

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