Why 6 Billion People Deserve to Die in Armageddon

by Leolaia 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • porfiada

    Hi Leo,

    Could you find someone who will die at Argie for having a blood transfusion??

  • Joliette

    Terrible but so true.

  • villabolo
  • bohm

    this is just to funny :-). it should be made into a youtube video!

  • laverite

    As I have tried to tell all y'all, Leo holds an "Endowed Chair" on here for those who know what that is. She is the "JWN Distinguished Professor of Jehovah's Witness Studies" Go Leo!!!

  • anewme

    I was an adult the first time I saw that picture and had never seen anything so awful before!

    Most human consciences are more merciful than a god who would destroy so many people for merely misunderstanding.

    Capital punishment is reserved for the most heinous crimes.

  • agonus

    Or in this case, cat-pital punishment...

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ... and if all of these really nasty people have the good fortune to croak before the Big Day, they qualify for a resurrection!!

  • punkofnice

    Oh, Leo, this is the kind of stuff I thrive on! Brilliant.

    A suggested Punk ending:

    Although Gladys, Larry, Diane, Jane and Friskie deserved to be murdered horribly by a loving god at armageddon, they all died peacefully of old age.

    This was because the 'generations' just wouldn't stop 'overlapping' way, way into the distant future. Armagedon was still always coming 'soon' though!

    ...to be CULTINUED?

  • transhuman68

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