The Person you were Engaged to Marry had an Accident & became a Paraplegic

by new boy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I would say it depends on why you are getting married.

    If it truly is for love of the individual, and you want to be with any part of them then "yes," I would still marry.

    If I was just looking to marry for any reason, and did not see myself with a disabled person, then I would have to say I would break it off.

  • Sasha

    Hard to answer that one. If I were already MARRIED, I would stick it out!

  • purplesofa

    I would think if someone I was engaged to that had an accident and became paralyzed..........there recovery would come first. Both people will no doubt change from such a trauma.

    A future together would be something talked about on down the road. It would most definately bring out the true character of each person.

    I just honestly could not answer one way or the other.


  • sass_my_frass

    What LadyLee said: my bloke, in that situation, would be the type to get on with his new life. We're motorcyclists; he has a mate in a wheelchair who rides a modified Harley. He'd do that sort of thing. He'd keep working. He'd switch his volunteer work to people with whatever disability he'd scored. I'd still love him.

    If it was me who scored the disability; I like to think I'd make an effort with getting on with life too.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    I believe I could and I would still marry.

    I have emptied bedpans and cared for bedsores, dried tears and listened to rants and sorrows, so I believe I could do it. I do not think my love and my life would be necessarily be diminished, but would definitely be challenged. And I feel it would be very important for us to get extra help to whatever extent possible so that we would not be going it alone and I would not burn out.

    Them's my thoughts on the matter. Then again, I am a hopeful romantic.


  • nvrgnbk

    It may not be so simple as "do you love' someone. people who "love" you can end up abusing you.

    nothing is ever that easy.

    I have to agree with wednesday. Life is complicated.

    I certainly hope that the reason for the union would be based on something much deeper than sex or physicality. If the relationship is based on a profound emotional, spiritual, and intellectual connection then both parties would likely proceed. Having said that, one just can't say for certain until presented with the situation.


  • new boy
    new boy

    Remember you are engaged NOT married yet.

  • nvrgnbk
    Remember you are engaged NOT married yet.

    I got you big daddy. My answer remains the same.

    Interesting thread new boy.


  • blondie

    Actually, paraplegic women can have sex and babies and get around quite well. With men it is more difficult since they can't get an erection. But then many couples can't have children and adopt. There are many ways a paraplegic man can give a women sexual pleasure and vice versa. I have known both men and women paraplegics that can work and do things from a wheelchair. If love is the motive that you can work around it.


  • nvrgnbk

    Nicely put Blondie!


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