The Person you were Engaged to Marry had an Accident & became a Paraplegic

by new boy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • unique1

    I know of a case where this very thing happened. The boy was a professional dirt bike rider and he fell off and broke his neck. His fiance rushed to his side as did his family. It turns out the term Paraplegic is merely the injury. It does NOT mean they will never walk again or ever feel again. Some don't. She offered to go through with the wedding but he wouldn't let her. They are still engaged and she is living with him in his parents basement. He can walk a few steps on his own now a year and a half later. He is getting pretty self sufficient. Unfortunately bowel response is the last thing to ever come back feeling wise so even though he can move around now, so he still has to wear a diaper. He hopes to be able to change it himself soon. He is still considered a paraplegic.

    I believe in the same situation, I would just put off the wedding until I saw what would be involved for the long run.

  • found-my-way

    I would say,

    I think I would stay together with my fiance, and be there with them, and even help them try to acheive some nerve regeneration...I would not leave them simply because they were not able to have sex anymore...

    but just because a man is paralyzed doesnt mean he cannot be turned on, or even acheive an is some info that I found when I googled paraplegic sexuality. - Gordon's story. (it is explicit) but a very interesting read. - deals with both men and women's issues

  • ninja

    I'm glad you googled all about paraplegic porn found-my-way....if my wife saw paraplegic sex..she'd be thinking...he's getting weird now he's left the witnesses...or else she'd be thinking...he's planning to "paraplegise" me.....either way.....not a good subject to have on your browsing history

  • daniel-p

    Sounds like a Lifetime movie....

  • aarque

    When my husband was 17 and home on leave from the Marine Corps before shipping out to Viet Nam, he was walking down the road one early evening when he was struck by an 18-wheeler. He got caught underneath and was dragged for a quarter mile before getting loose and shooting out the back of the truck and nearly getting run over by the car behind. He was pronounced dead at the scene but an EMT realized he wasn't so rushed him into the local hospital. The doctor told his parents that he didn't have enough hands to do everything that had to be done, so his legs were straightened out (could hear him screaming all over the hospital), he was sandbagged and rushed to a larger hospital 50 miles away. He ended up in a coma for a few months. When he woke up and was told about the accident, he had a heart attack. He was crushed from the pelvis down. He went through surgery every week to repair the damage. He had his first artificial hip put in when he was 19. The military discharged him because he was medically unfit for duty and never paid a penny for his disability because they insisted he was on leave - not hurt in the line of duty. The truck was coming from the local paper mill and was way overweight. A few years later, he had a lawsuit against the paper mill and when it went to court, their lawyer took him aside and told him if he continued with the suit, the paper mill would fire his grandfather, father, uncle and any other relative he had working there. So, he dropped the suit and never received a penny for his injuries. He has been on total disability since 1979. We met in 1998 amd married in 2001. Some people were shocked that I was marrying a guy who can't hold a job and who very well may end up in a wheelchair one day (yes, despite his injuries he can walk... he's full of metal parts) In 2005 he underwent a fourth hip replacement and bone grafting in his pelvis. He can't remember what it is like to live without pain and walk normally. The disability he gets is not enough to live on so I work two jobs to help make ends meet. But he's an incredible guy and I can't imagine my lfe without him.

  • pratt1

    Not exactly your question, but if I was the paraplegic, I would not allow her to marry me.

    I just would nt want to subject her to a life of caretaking for me.

    Maybe I have too much pride.

  • Gregor

    Ninja, you made me laugh!

  • purplesofa


    for you


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