My self-worth does not actually depend on another poster's opinion of me.

by Frannie Banannie 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    ((((( Frannie )))))

    Ive been in your shoes......No, it should have nothing to do with your self worth. But, It sure can make you feel like dog doo at times.

    I agree with the others. It's one thing to disagree, or argue a point, you should expect that. Its when a poster just makes rude comments out of the blue for no reason that gets me upset. I will admit I have made digs in the past to a few, but only because I felt the need to defend myself. Even then, I feel the need to make peace, cuz I feel like crap! LOL

  • found-my-way


    I read the incident that sparked this thread, and I know who the the person is behind the mean remarks. I will not get into name calling (altho it is tempting), but that person had NO RIGHT to tell you what you can or cannot post. You have only posted beneficial and helpful information, they happened to disagree with. Oh well, that's their problem..they should NOT of attacked you, that was completely childish and uncalled for. So many people love you here, so dont let one rude person ruin your day! That is giving them too much power.... Here's what I think: I think you're awesome!


  • Warlock


    Eventually, what I learned, not only from this board, but a couple of others, is this: Be kind to those who are kind to you, but if you need to be an asshole to assholes, so be it. And don't apologise to them either.


  • Stealth453

    You have my vote Frannie. Don't let the idiot get to you.

  • Gregor

    Frannie and I have the same take on several subjects. This speaks well of her intelligence and insight.

    Frannie, I have two adult kids who manifested BiPolar disorder when in their early twenties. They have since become very successful, happy folks.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Don't let it bother ya.

    ((((((((((LHG)))))))) Yeah....flotsam and jetsam can just float their back-slappin and cud-chewin without me as an audience from now on. I said what I have to say.

    Sometimes I just have to say what is on my mind, and if I step on some toes, then so be it.

    ((((((((JunctionGuy)))))) Well...that's where I have the problem, chere. I DO mind steppin' on others' toes and try to be careful not to do so. This came as a total shocker out of left field. It's when the attack becomes personal that it chaps my grits.

    No, it should have nothing to do with your self worth. But, It sure can make you feel like dog doo at times.

    (((((((((((Buttlight)))))))) No, it shouldn't, chere. And yes it sure can! And I hafta stand up and defend myself at times like this, too, sweetie.

    Oh well, that's their problem ..they should NOT of attacked you, that was completely childish and uncalled for. So many people love you here, so dont let one rude person ruin your day! That is giving them too much power.... Here's what I think: I think you're awesome!

    ((((((found-my-way)))))) And one of his back-slappers said that I was being childish...heheh No, he shouldn't have attacked me personally. I would have gladly discussed the post with him on a more civil level of conversation, but it was an all out attack, much as he attempted to whitewash his provocative ad hominem statements about me in his public soapbox. You're such a sweetie!

    And don't apologise to them either.

    AMEN! ((((((Warlock)))))

    Don't let the idiot get to you.

    Already did, I'm afraid....however, it's over, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks, (((((((Stealth453)))))))

    Frannie and I have the same take on several subjects. This speaks well of her intelligence and insight.

    Frannie, I have two adult kids who manifested BiPolar disorder when in their early twenties. They have since become very successful, happy folks.

    LOL, ((((Gregor)))) re: intelligence and insight...heheh I know what you mean about the bipolar thingie. My youngest g/daughter is ADHD and Bipolar #1 and is a total ray of sunshine and very mentally quick.

  • minimus

    Hi Frannie! I just read this thread. I don't know who the jerk is but I will say, you are always a lady, sweet, kind and uniquely you!

    I've had my share of bullies here. I won't back down from these types as they are not better than I am. Stick up for yourself and if somebody doesn't like you or your thoughts, screw them. It's their loss!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I've had my share of bullies here. I won't back down from these types as they are not better than I am. Stick up for yourself and if somebody doesn't like you or your thoughts, screw them. It's their loss!

    (((((((Minimus)))))))) There ya go, chere. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. You got it!

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Eventually, what I learned, not only from this board, but a couple of others, is this: Be kind to those who are kind to you, but if you need to be an asshole to assholes, so be it. And don't apologise to them either.


    Well put, Warlock. My thoughts exactly. A thick skin is called for when posting in a public forum.

    BA- What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

  • R.Crusoe

    Teacher once told me less than 10% of people really try to understand.

    Most jump to conclusions coz that's how they're conditioned from way back.

    Few will change whether you're in JWO or outside.

    It's the way we tick!

    That 90% are everywhere in different measure.

    Ain't it the same the world over?

    Everybody's talkin all this stuff about me........

    And life's too short to waste our esteem on changin their minds (as we all know)

    Those who don't search for your heart! Sad really.

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