My self-worth does not actually depend on another poster's opinion of me.

by Frannie Banannie 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    Frannie, you are worth a lot in our eyes!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I'm bipolar. This actually means that I mentally fly by the seat of my pants, however what I profer usually turns out to be valid and can be backed up in most cases. Being bipolar also guarantees that most of the time, my brain cells are rolling on all four wheels with no flat tires in sight.

    Well I've never quite heard it put like that before, but that's truly one to remember. I thought there was something wrong with me, now I see myself in a totally different light, thanks to you Frannie. It's wonderful to be a part of the fold.

    LOL, Proph! I forgot to add this disclaimer: I've gotta jump in there while it's rolling and figure out where it's safe to land, while I'm at it...heheh

    Frannie, you are worth a lot in our eyes!

    ((((needproof)))) Thank you so much, ya little dumplin'...

  • Crumpet
    If I post something that offends you, don't frickin' read it, k?

    Sorry but how is someone to know that they will find your post offensive until they have read it.

    In the interests of equality I have to say I kinda feel this thread was unnecessary. I dont think the poster was bullying you at all. If they wanted to bully you or intimidate you they could have made a scape goat of you publicly. They didnt. In fact they said something privately. They didn't use my choice of words and perhaps lacked diplomacy or tact but they did make a valid point.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Sorry but how is someone to know that they will find your post offensive until they have read it.

    In the interests of equality I have to say I kinda feel this thread was unnecessary. I dont think the poster was bullying you at all. If they wanted to bully you or intimidate you they could have made a scape goat of you publicly. They didnt. In fact they said something privately. They didn't use my choice of words and perhaps lacked diplomacy or tact but they did make a valid point.

    Gee, Crumple. They can just ignore ALL my frickin' posts and that'll take care of it wouldn't it?

    In the interests of FACTS, this thread is very necessary for ME. If you don't like this thread GO AWAY. And for your info, and according to the FACTS, they actually DID vivisect and disembowel me PUBLICLY on the other thread when I did not in FACT even NAME them.

    If you truly believe, Crumple, that making a valid point should include calling someone mentally incompetent, stupid, ignorant, irresponsible, disgusting and shameful, then I merely suggest you'd see more clearly if you removed your head from that tunnel of fudge in which it is apparently lodged.


  • Crumpet

    Get well soon.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Get well soon.

    Warm fuzzies to you, too, Crumpie.

    Right backatchya, (((((((((((Mrs Smith)))))))))

    Yep, I'm alive and kickin', Bernadette.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    My self-worth does not actually depend on another poster's opinion of me.

    Spot on (((frannie)))

    I'm just taking a "time out" to stand up for myself and air some stink.....maybe have some chianti and fava beans

    And good on ya to vent - I was worried you would disappear after yesterday's episode. I'm glad you've stood your ground and stayed

    Believe it or not, being bi-polar actually puts you in a better situation than me according to another poster who recently told me to 'grow a brain' (this may take some time in the evolutionary process!!)

    We fight on regardless!!!!!

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Frannie, I don't know what happened that caused this topic, but....NOBODY better mess with my's some big 'ol hugs for ya......((((((((((((((((((((((((((((FRANNIE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) and a big XO to ya as well...

  • unique1

    You tell em Frannie!!!!!!!!!

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