by nyc_gal 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Now, now, now. Nyc_gal is way, way above the average Jehovah's Witness in terms of advanced IQ and ability to think for herself.

    She has shown, and in a dangerous public display to boot, that she does and can get a firm grasp on the obvious. Now how many J-Dubs do you know who can do that? Think on it.


  • Steven

    To Six Of Nine & Escargot,

    Thanks for the encouragement 6 of 9. My wife Lesley told me about the idea of the WatchTower Society being the Borg - very funnyso I assume that your "designation" is from that idea?

    I personally have always liked Star Trek but I think that I prefer to be on the "Federations" side rather than the "Borg WT" in real life.

    Anyway yes a couple of days outside - it feels very odd & doing things which I wouldn't have considered a few days ago - like no pre-study etc is very strange.

    Having said that I think that Lesley & I have done more studying in the last few weeks - since I 1st mentioned possibly leaving - than we have for years nay ever! However somehow I don't think my local body of Elders would appreciate what we have been studying!

    Escargot with regard to your advice about R. Franz's books we had already ordered a couple of books for our non-WT research & one of those was "Crisis of Conscience". They arrived this morning from Amazon & the 1st few pages leads me to believe that its going to be a very enlightening read. However with 3 kids to keep happy Lesley & I may take sometime to get through them...

    Well thank you both for your kind comments.


  • anglise

    Welcome steven and well done.
    Its not easy to take that final step.
    I hope there is not too much fall out for you ie family etc still in.
    Nice to see another one from this side of the pond.
    I am in sussex.
    where abouts in the uk are you.


  • Farkel


    Not only is this not an official JW site, there cannot be ANY official JW sites unless they are run by the Watchtower Religious Printing Corporation.

    Any JW discussion site, no matter how strictly they restrict thought and expression is condemmed by the WTS.

    Tell me, what does the expression "Christian freedom" mean to you? Does it mean stifling and squelching with severe shunning any thought that dares even QUESTION doctrine and policy dispensed by a small committee of old men hidden in an ivory tower in Brooklyn?

    Given what Jesus said in the Bible, do you believe Jesus is really running the show in Brooklyn? Or, are those in Brooklyn just making it up that Jesus is running their show?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • jayhawk1

    I too am shocked and upset. So I think I will not come back to this site until it is an official JW site or in ten minutes, which ever comes first. It is nice to see you are really on the ball with this one. Can I suggest future topics you can post about?

    1) Water Is Wet!!!!!!!
    2) The Sky Is Blue!!!!!
    3) Humans Need Air to Breathe!!!!
    And finally....
    4) The Watchtower Makes A Pretty Flame When Set On Fire!!!!!!

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • SixofNine

    Jayhawk, do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your post, my midwestern friend? hey, are you in KC, by any chance?

  • toddy

    It's not! thanks for exposing this nyc_girl,you sure are clever, go to the front of the class!

  • ashitaka

    The CIA needs people like NYC_gal. {Hawaii 5-0 theme music}

  • Michael3000

    Hey, NYC Gal:

    Next "Bible" study you have, ask the conductor if it's OK to investigate the Jehovah's Witness faith, to make sure it's really the "truth". Most likely, she/he will say "Certainly! Our faith is Bible-based, and can stand up to the most rigorous questioning!"

    Then, drop me an e-mail ( [email protected]), or give me a call (646) 576-5162. I'm a "NYC Guy", and we can meet for coffee. I'll answer all your questions, being fully qualified to do so, because I was raised as a JW, served for 4 years as a Pioneer, 2 as a Bethelite, & 6 years as a Ministerial Servant - as well as my father and eldest brother being current elders.

    Trust me, there are A LOT of questions you should be asking about these people. You should at least know what you are getting yourself into. Thanks for listening.


    "Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"

  • TR

    Hi NYC gal, and welcome!

    Don't stop learning! Do the research and check out the things you read on this site. It'll save you a lot of lost time being a JW.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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