by nyc_gal 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    No flies on THIS Jw gal! LOLOLOLOL

    Geez if they were this quick on the uptake at the KH a whole lot more of 'em would be coming out of the cult...

  • Andee


    Thanks for the "new light".


  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    nyc_gal - I agree with you on one point....

    I cannot believe some of the horrible things I have read here.

    I too find some of the things I read here horrible, but unfortunately they are true - hypocrisy concerning the UN, the Silentlambs issue, the way families are torn apart by the evil practice of shunning, the depression, the suicides, the years wasting chasing after a dream that is simply based on the ideas of men.... truly horrible.

    This is not an official site of the JWs but I believe this site stands as a beacon of hope for those that have been betrayed and mislead and shows the whole world a true picture of what life is like both within the organisation and after it. You will find more 'truth' here than in any Kingdom Hall.

  • Hmmm
    Besides the flag, I wonder what else could have given it away?

    It wasn't me, I swear!


    Thanks nyc_gal, see you in a few months eh?

    Simon, this girl seems a bit more dense than your average JW. I'd say it's going to take a year, minimum--even if the JW gets caught with their pants down over the molestation and UN-harlotry issues.


  • Amazing

    Hi NYC: JWs are certainly welcome here. Any JW worth their salt would know that the WTS discourages all sites except their own, and the Even those sites like Witnesses Online who only permit active JWs to post there are frowned on by the Society.

    However, you need to be aware of something else. Any JW Elder or Circuit Overseer you may sit next to at your Kingdom Hall may be one who posts here because they no longer believe in the Watch Tower religion. They stay in because of family considerations.

    So, while this site may not be what you thought is was, it is still a place where many who are still active JWs, including Elders, MS, Pioneers, COs, and Bethelites post here in privacy. In other words, your organization is infested with apostates. - Amazing

  • JBean

    Amazing... how true. I remember reading on one of the sites that an elder da'd himself directly after giving a Memorial talk. Realized halfway through the talk that he just couldn't take it anymore. Finished up, went home, and never returned. You really just never know what is going on in the minds and hearts of people in the KH. I find this sooo fascinating. -Jbean

  • Kent

    My oh, my! What planet do you come from, nyc_gal?

    You're practically Einstein!

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • nyc_gal

    I am not a witness yet ...Just started taking bible studies and I came in here to talk to sisters and brothers throughoutt the country..I am sorry if i have offended anyone but I was a bit shocked to have read some of the things I have read. I am sure you guys have your own reasons for leaving the organization.

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    Hey, give her a break.
    nyc gal just bought a computer
    and her days are now numbered at
    the Watchtower.

  • Steven

    Hi NYC_Gal,

    Obviously as you are studying you are considering what to do about what you learn

    This is totally your own decision & so I won't say anything about it however think carefully & explore to your own satisfaction.

    My wife & I left only yesterday - we have done nothing wrong in the WT society's eyes. However before you commit be extremely sure - I thought I was after 2 years of studying & now after 15 years in I have left.

    Once you are in "the truth" it is hard to examine things totally & you don't hear about alot of things so examine now.

    Hope you don't mind this advice - good luck!

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