Active JW's on this forum

by winnie 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsearcher

    I love the fact that there is freedom on this board to do the research, ask the questions, make the comments that would NOT be allowed at the KH or with the Elders. This is a really, really important step to understanding the true nature of the WTBS.

  • sf

    Don't you feel that by posting your many and varied topics, usually complaining/disagreeing with the wbts, that you are being hypocritical? When you post your information, obtained sometimes in an questionable manner, doesn't it make you question your own underhanded actions?

    You converse with many on this forum who are disfellowshipped/dissasociated, yet if you knew who these ones were, face to face, you would not give them the time of day! You would openly 'shun' them as the wbts tells you to do.

    Saying one thing, but doing do you justify this?

    Mind boggling, isn't it?

    What bends my mind even more though, is how they have this FACTUAL info, documents, news arts, etc., and yet don't share it with the ones who need to WITNESS it the most...there fellow flocksters.

    Not much we can do about that depth of hypocrisy. It would seem kharma may very well take great care in this.

    I dealt with this dynamic mny times over the years in jw chatrooms. They always had a way to justify their activity. "The org never said we couldn't be says it's a jw room". LOL!!! Of course it did. By naming the room this way, we set a very easy trap of temptation. I would ask them "are you wise or stupid by DECIDING to willingly associate with apostates, opposers, and disfellowshipped ''?" [2/15/04 WT ] Thusly, many are now out of The Rot. Quite a few even post here now and have been doing so for quite a while. {{{cheers}}}


  • zarco


    I am still a JW. I am learned so much from reading this board. A true Christain behaves much like the Boreans in searching and checking for truth. I have been taught "heavy" truth from kind ones on this board. I have checked out mentally from the Org - never try to disparage those who seek the truth.

    For whatever it is worth I have never shunned a DFd person nor have I DFd anyone.

  • KW13

    There are some on this board i respect very much who have no choice if they want to continue having their family around them. I understand them doing whatever they can to not lose their family.

    As for JW's posting on here but not talking to disfellowshipped dubs in public, well the internet means those ones can remain anonymous.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    As with many that have posted, this board has been an amazing resource. I would venture to say that without it, I may still be dealing with the inner struggle over whether or not I have the Truth. Even apologists have doubts or they would likely not be in such a forum. Everyone moves at their own pace. Personally, I'm still in only for my family and have mentally checked out.

    As for treating df/da'ed, I never though that was very Christian. There were times when I was younger that I did shun, and I felt guilty about it. Its been several years since I've actually shunned anyone. I would use the excuse that I was an elder and was merely trying to "encourage" the person to come back. I also took full advantage of the "funeral " exemption which allows you to give comfort to the bereaved even if they are df'ed. At a funeral not too long ago where my JW family was present and one of the deceased person's relatives was df'ed, I made sure my whole family knew about this exception and they eagerly took my word for it and spoke to the df'ed person. I don't think the WTS has changed its stance on this, but it may have slipped by me.

    Anyway, I think we're all trying to cope the best we can and for some of us that are physically in but mentally out, this keeps us sane (sort of!)

  • pierogi

    This is just a theory, but I think the hard core JWs (loyal to whatever the Watchtower tells them) are the ones who do most of the shunning. I think the people that come here are normal.

  • winnie

    sf: it's nice to know that I am not the only one questioning people on this forum.

    That said, it's also nice to know that many would not shun disfellowshipped/disassociated ones.

    But if you were caught not shunning them, or were to be caught on this forum, how would you explain it?

    Would you lie?

    I don't have a problem with ones who are open to all about their feelings. I have a major problem with those I see are still going to meetings, being nice and friendly to their faces, and then bitching behind their backs. You can't have it both ways! Regardless of circumstances, it it a very two faced thing to do!

  • Zico


    What was your opinion of Auldsoul's post?

  • zarco


    I don't have a problem with ones who are open to all about their feelings. I have a major problem with those I see are still going to meetings, being nice and friendly to their faces, and then bitching behind their backs. You can't have it both ways! Regardless of circumstances, it it a very two faced thing to do!

    So you would rather no JWs be on this board? Where would you get information on the JWs? This is a JW discussion forum. If we take your logic to the extreme this board becomes the domain of only XJWs with no access to current info, because in your world current info would be contrained because those attending the meetings would not be "two faced" and talk/pass on info to those here.

    If you are against the JWs, you would want insiders to pass along information - it helps your cause.

    If you are for truth - you would never want to restrict information and views, because from all of us come opinions and thoughts that enable understanding. When you want to restrict viewpoints you become just like the WT in hearing only what you want to be heard.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Winnie, you say:

    I don't judge anyone. What they do is their business. I was asking out of curiosity more than anything else.

    and then again you say:

    I don't have a problem with ones who are open to all about their feelings. I have a major problem with those I see are still going to meetings, being nice and friendly to their faces, and then bitching behind their backs. You can't have it both ways! Regardless of circumstances, it it a very two faced thing to do!

    Seems as though you really are about judging these active ones, many of whom make great personal sacrifices in order not to lose contact with their family members. Perhaps their love for their families is greater than their need for your good opinion or anyone else's. At least they're being true to themselves.


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