WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????

by Seeker4 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpheta

    Hmmmm, fascinating subject. Before I left in October, 2003, I know personally that my congregation "lost" three elders within a few months; one older brother and his wonderful wife (she was a friend to me when I needed a kindly ear to listen to my "woes") moved to Florida for their retirement; their son, a nice guy but not someone who ever struck me as a "pillar of strength", who shocked everyone in the congregation when he married a woman from South America he met through some kind of Witness internet dating service (!!!!), resigned as an elder before the wedding; and a third, the husband of one of the women who was one of my bible study teachers, was df'd a few weeks before I mailed in my DA letter.

    During this time, other than my DAing, I'm not aware that we lost any other members - other than the pioneer sister who was df'd at the same time as Brother ___; so that means there were 3 less elders to do the same amount of work that (not sure of the exact number, I never paid attention to that sort of thing because I never relied on the elders for anything; actually, I wanted them to stay the heck away from me) 8 men did before, for a congregation of about 120 people.

    Yep, and there weren't that many younger ones coming up behind. Looking backward now, I think it was because the elders who were in my congregation were basically good guys and they wanted to appoint other good guys too, not just fill the ranks with warm bodies. But by now, perhaps they haven't had any choice. Or maybe the congregation has been halved. I know shortly after I started going to meetings in 1993 about 20% of the people who'd attended were sent to another smaller congregation because we were considered too large, or something like that. I didn't understand it at the time, but with hindsight I see now that the other congregation had imploded and the WTBTS was trying to salvage things by moving over a large chunk of people (including 2 elders and their wives) from our congregation to theirs. Get this - we shared the same kingdom hall!

  • Gregor

    I clearly remember the WTS gloating over the drastic drop in new blood joining the Catholic priesthood. This was 25-30 years ago.

  • proplog2

    "Not many should be called teachers"

    Unfortunately the elders that remain remind me of the wackiest try-outs for American Idol.

    "What makes you think you are going to be the next American Elder?"

    "Duh. I'll do whutever they tells me."

    "You're going to Bethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • jayhawk1

    This makes me curious enough to find out if the local congregation has fewer elders.

    Not that this has much to do with the topic, but there isn't many young men locally, because for some reason most of the local JW families had girls.

    When I left 6 years ago, there was 3 elders who was over 60, 2 elders who was over 70, 2 elders who was under 50, and 3 former elders who was under 60. Even if those 3 are working to return to elder status, they would be about 60 by now. We only had one ministerial servant, and he was near 70 himself. Of the young men who didn't have a congregation job, it's hard to say if any of those have reached out yet or if they ever will.

    My guess is some of those young ones will reach out for a congregation job. The prospect of expecting Armageddon anytime near 2014 could keep many young ones hooked until then.

  • blondie

    I posted this on another thread and reconfirmed it with my husband. 4 years ago during the CO's visit he said that the WTS was losing 25% of their elders. The WTS was most concerned about the ones asking to step "down" (or aside). The elders were told not to let these elders step down so quickly. Don't imagine that a quick glance at local congregations gives one a true picture of the national problem.

    But then 2 years ago the next CO came through and removed about ten elders (rumored not to be stepping in line with current abusive WTS policies). All these men were elders for 25 years or longer.

    Some congregations have so few MS that the elders have to take their turn as mike handlers.


  • avidbiblereader

    Matt 23:4 4 They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the shoulders of men, but they themselves are not willing to budge them with their finger.

    HMMM I wonder who Jesus would tell that to today?


  • wednesday

    2 elders and a pioneer sister left due to what happened to my family.

    The movie " A Leap of Faith" comes to mind. Some elders are the "real deal". They are vessels ready for God to use. they are humble and worthy. Others are crafty and just wanting a position and all that comes with it. Steve Martin in the movie just mentioned was a fake faith healer. he runs into a young man who needs healing. The young boy really has faith. The upshot-God heals the young man-sans Steve martin. Steve martin says you always have to be afraid of the Real Deal. The watchtower shoud be afraid of The Real Deal B/c any honest hearted person will see through their crafty ways and know God is not behind them.

  • Seeker4


    Thanks for that piece of info. That's at least a second source. I'll bet you could find out the number of congregations in the US now, though I don't remember that they ever published figures about the number of elders or MS servants. Pioneer figures ought to be in the KMs.

    But, if we knew the number of US congregations, then we could see if the 94,000/60,000 figures make sense at all. That is, if the average congregation had 5 elders a decade ago, then somewhere around 15,000-20,000 US congregations would make sense.


    It's kind of funny. From your post, I would say you're a believer, but your avatar is the most famous atheist on television - House!


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    Me and my wife heard those figures at last years DC from a Bethel heavy. They told us 'there is a need for 40,000 Elders and Ministerial Servents'. Seems like this is a pretty real problem they are having.



  • Seeker4

    Drew, thanks! That would be three sources. It is the sort of thing the DOs and COs would be likely to hear in their schools and training meetings, and then some would probably mention it in their talks.

    Was that in a talk on the DC program or in private conversation?


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