What is your Favorite coffee, mocha, latte, cap, etc?

by AK - Jeff 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • whyamihere

    I love Triple Espresso's(nothing added) - I can suck those things down like there is no tomorrow.

    I love my Carmel Macchiato - sometimes with a extra shot of Vanilla and extra shot of Espresso(when I want something really sweet)

    Cinnamon Dolce Latte - so yummy!

    Espresso con Panna.

    Brooke**now needs to go to Starbucks**

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I posted earlier on about coffee flavoring like everyone else in this thread.....BUT.....

    I HAVE TO say that the brand of coffee is very important to me. I only use Yuban and don't like any other brand I've tasted and I've tried quiet a few. I used to drink Maryland Club long ago until their coffee started tasting like something swept up off the roasting room floor when they were going out of business. Then I found that Kroger's own brand of Columbian coffee beans freshly ground in their store were perfecto! But then they've been overrun by other "now famous" brands that all taste like crap.

    When I go to the grocery store to get Yuban, I have to search, because stores that carry Yuban only have a small amount compared to the more well-advertised brands. And sometimes I find that someone who's stocked the shelves with their coffee company's brand will even go to the lengths to HIDE the Yuban, trying to take over their small slot. When I've seen this, I've rearranged the coffee cans for Yuban, so they can be seen, too, and reported the bad behavior of the other coffee company's delivery person to the store manager.

    All the other brands I've tried taste like crap. Yuban's the best and I've had raves over it when I make it for company.

    Frannie B

  • bsmart

    Columbian, I stock up if its on sale. My husband is a Philistine and buys whatever is cheapest.

  • transhuman68

    I just drink the Vietnamese Robusta- LOL it's horrible, but at $10 a kilogram it's ideal for an addict like me. My wood stove burns all winter, and the espresso pot bubbles away non-stop. If it sometimes seems from my posts I'm flying high... it's because I am.

  • Tater-T

    I go here every morning and get a quad- mocha extra foam


    it's the best..they have a machine that makes the espresso.. just push a button.. it's more consistant

  • Pickler

    Long black & strong.

    In Greece they have a Nescafé just for iced coffee, it's spectacular.

  • andys

    I like waking up to a cup of Foldgers mixed with Yuban coffee, also other favorite is French Roast, I drink at least a pot of coffee a day

  • cobaltcupcake

    Diet Coke.

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