The 613 Laws of JW's

by avidbiblereader 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    I wonder if fantasy football has been banned. Does anybody know Watchtower's stand on this?

  • lost_light06

    Football is a violent sport and is looked down on, just like boxing. Plus fantasy football is idolizing athletes. F%#$ing absurd.

  • thebiggestlie

    football is bigger than jesus at my hall. Seriously every brother knows more about carson palmer or Terrel owens than they do about the messiah they claim to honor. Reminds me of that scripture that my father always spewed off almost as a chant “by the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” i don't know abput the orgs stance on fantasy football though. Nothings been written as far as i know. Its funny how witnesses rely on the org so much by looking at whats been “written” or what there “stance” is. Anorher example of havings ones thoughts controlled....

  • onlycurious

    Uhhh....are you serious? No oral sex?

    Where the heck did that law come from? Last church meeting I went to (youth convention for adult leaders) the guy said that EVERTHING is okay. Yep...that too!

    How many Christians blushed during that message?

  • searching4truth

    thats right no oral or anal sex and I don't think you are supposed to manually stimulate each other either.

    Can't sit next to a girl you are dating at the hall unless you are engagaged.

    my overseer at bethel extended his personal view on me to say that white brothers shouldn't have any facial hair.

  • Jeffro

    Many of the statements in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt. While some of the restrictions do indeed exist exactly as stated, and many of the things listed are 'frowned upon' by Witnesses, some things that have been listed are not JW rules at all, or are region-specific.

  • searching4truth

    that is true some are just elder imposed "guidelines" but they do have alot of stupid rules too.

  • avidbiblereader

    Tigerman- yes many of the ones listed are either written law in elders letters or implied in writing and as one stated it could be either elder or CO law in your area as some impose their views on others and because they are the ruling figures in the hall or circuit, it will be enforced. As far as Oral Sex, it is in their writings that it is fornication and you can be removed or even DF'd for making this a practice or if it becomes well known in the congr.

    You shouldn't chew gum in the hall

    Brothers should have a matching suit instead of a sports coat to read the WT on Sunday

    Brothers should never councel a sister by themselves or privately

    When going on a Bethel tour you should dress appropriately

    You should support the Motel/Hotel arrangement at assemblies

  • ferret

    Must reject Jesus on Memorial night.

  • jayhawk1
    Many of the statements in this thread should be taken with a grain of salt. While some of the restrictions do indeed exist exactly as stated, and many of the things listed are 'frowned upon' by Witnesses, some things that have been listed are not JW rules at all, or are region-specific.

    True, but in many cases, if you refrain from most of the practices listed in this thread, you are considered "more spiritual" and get promoted (if you are a guy that is). Many elders and above are famous for adding on to what the Watchtower puts in writing. When did the Watchtower put in writing that you can't own a Smurf doll, a Care Bear, a My Little Pony, or a Treasure Troll? But at many Kingdom Halls you are frowned upon if you own or give a child these items.

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