The 613 Laws of JW's

by avidbiblereader 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    The witnesses always say they are free in Christ, I beg to differ, I don't know how many stupid unscriptural laws they have but lets start a thread on how many dumb witness laws you know and have heard of that make no sense or completely unbelievable, it is like they have a second Talmud.

    Cant have Walt Disney movies or stuffed animals as this is magical

    Cant have beards

    Cant watch R-Rated movies

    Cant have oral sex

  • lfcviking

    There was a post earlier tonight about the JW's do not 'Toast' on the grounds that this practice is Pagan. But at the same time the Wedding Ring exchange which is also Pagan (has its roots in Babylonial origins) is practiced?!?!

    This i find a bit strange.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, ABR.........

    Is the # 613 an arbitrary number? There are actually 1100 rules that one of the GB proclaimed as our touchstone [was it Barry?] If not what you had in mind, I am OK with a mere 613! -----

    1) You baby-boomers [moi] may not complain about your failure to set aside for retirement [moi encore] as it "demonstrates a lamentable lack of faith."

    2) You may not accept a job with which - you perceive beforehand - you could possibly fall in love.

    3) It doesn't matter that worldly people are nicer than JWs that you know. Your brothers love Jehovah and would never do you wrong. Worldly people, though honest and upright, do not attend the KH and therefore will die. Why associate with bird fodder?

    Numbers 1 and 2 employ actual WTSo terminology. Number 3 is in the ballpark. Is it wrong to play ball? [#4]


  • avidbiblereader

    CoCo, there are 613 Laws that make up the Law Covenant with Moses, even though the Witness claim they have been freed from the Law Covenant they still cling to many parts of it so 613 was the number to use as they still cling to the Law in essence. There have been so many stupid laws made up from different parts of the globe and it amazes me how so many witnesses take this a rule and there is no substance behind the rule.

    Must go to assemblies in recognition of the three festivals that the Isrealits had

    Cant carry the mics unless you are in good standing

    Cant give parts on service meeting in way of demonstrations unless you are in good standing

    Cant be recommended unless you are getting in 10 hours or the national average in FS


  • tweety

    I have a few:

    Can't buy girl scout cookies

    Brothers can't give a talk or part without a tie and jacket

    Can't invite a df'd person to a wedding

    can't throw rice at weddings

    usually no alcohol at weddings

    No large gathers at peoples homes

    Can't contact or associate with any wordly friends - school mates or at work

    Can't answer at meetings or go out in FS if you look worldy - (that happened to me one time)

    No chimes hanging around your house

    Cannot have any German dutch signs

    Can't say god-bless you when you sneeze

    Dresses have to be near the knee area

    Women can't wear pants to the meetings

    Wow - I'd better stop

  • changtech

    why cant they buy girl scout cookies? this is so strange!

  • LoverOfTruth

    Can't use word such as Darn or Shoot because they're substitutions for the Forbiden Curse Words D__M and S__T.

  • zensim

    I remember when Smurfs came out as a kid, they were my favourite toy and I loved the movie (Mum said it was the worst kids movie she was ever subjected to).

    Anyway, not long after, no witness kids had Smurf toys because of some urban myth about a demonic possessed Smurf toy running down the aisle at the KH.

    To give credit to my Mum, she never believed in all that stuff, but for appearances sake - so as "not to stumble" - we would all still go along with some whack jobs comment from the platform. That's what worries me the most, that I went along with so many things I didn't at heart believe with, talk about peer pressure.

    Some others (am I allowed to include comments from the platform or are you looking for hard and fast 'rules', not just local incidents?):

    Brothers can't wear coloured shirts to the meeting.

    Can't have a blood transfusion.

  • zensim

    Lover of Truth - that same reasoning was used by a very 'respected' brother from the platform about giving gifts to children. "Witness parents who give gifts to their children through the year are making up for lack of birthdays, xmas etc and are spoiling their children" He didn't have kids of course.

  • zensim

    Ooh, I have another good one, heard this at the last District Conv I went to (when I was just on the cusp).

    If you have someone over for dinner whom you know doesn't drink alcohol for conscientious reasons or had a drinking problem (because of course they wouldn't have one now, no Witnesses have a drinking problem!!), then you should cover over and hide your wine rack so as not to stumble them.

    That comment pretty much tipped me over the edge!

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