Saddam's last words to America:

by SixofNine 79 Replies latest members politics

  • Warlock
    Many Canadians was ticked at your Blair backing Bush in it. I hate to think that Blair is a brown nose !!! Is HE???

    In case y'all forgot some recent history..............the U.S. came from Great Britain. Why would anyone expect any less?


  • outoftheorg

    I am always amused by threads like this one. It is odd that we have so many people here with their opposing views as to how the US and other nations are to react to what may or may not be threats.

    While all of us do not have even 1% or less of the intelligence held by the CIA or British or Russian or Germany or China and the many other nations, we spew our beliefs " or is it feelings" ? about the actions taken by the US and its current rulers.

    Some of you old timers remind me of Donald Rumsfeld with his "don't question me I know it all" attitude just believe what I tell you. If you don't I will attack you with my broader use of the english language.

    Then there are those who place all the blame on Bush, without knowing what amount of information from the many nations security agencies who work with the US Britain France Germany and each other and how accurate or useless it was.

    While I am as disturbed as any at the way things are going, I must admit that I don't have a clue as to how to make better use of the US powers and of the other European powers.

    I do know that I won't waste my time arguing with others, who are as out in the cold as I am.


  • Abandoned

    I do know that I won't waste my time arguing with others, who are as out in the cold as I am.

    But at least you're willing to knock those of us that do and that's a start....

  • Stealth453

    My last words to Sodamn Insane: "Hey Sodamn, your trousers are a bit short, and it looks like you crapped them. Maybe we can hang out sometime."

  • Justice-One
    Get with the program and either show some debating skills based on evidence or STFU...

    Although it take NO skills to "debate" with someone like you, it does take time. And that is something I have no desire to waste on a waste of space like you. So, feel free in your own little mind to think that you "have won." I could care less. Pretty funny actually.

  • LittleToe


    In case y'all forgot some recent history..............the U.S. came from Great Britain. Why would anyone expect any less?

    Are you refering to the pre-Independance roots of America? That was back in 1776. What the heck has that got to do with current affairs?

    Sadly this "waste of space" has yet to see a single argument from you. If it's so easy then why don't you at least attempt it at least once? Got caught with your trousers around your ankles, did you?

  • Fisherman


    Too bad the info has to be downloaded. I do not download. any other way of getting the info?

  • Justice-One
    If it's so easy then why don't you at least attempt it at least once?

    Seems to me I did. Remember the apples and oranges comment? And again, I will say I do not care to debate with people that by their comments show just how stupid they are. And since we obviously feel the same way about each other, I see no point in it. Lets just leave it like this, think I'm a redneck hillbilly, and I think you are a liberal idiot. (I can live with that, because at least the redneck hillbilly can find food from places other than grocery stores.)

  • LittleToe

    I hadn't thought that at all, though now you've put the thought in my head I can't shake it. Seems to me that you must have been projecting...

    "If you think the Nutcracker is something you do off a ten foot diving board, you could be a redneck", Jeff Boxworthy

  • hillary_step
    Lets just leave it like this, think I'm a redneck hillbilly, and I think you are a liberal idiot.

    Very good Justice, you finally got at least one observation correct. The Ozark air must be clearing.


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