Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-17-06 WT Study (Sacred Gatherings)

by blondie 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-17-06 WT Study (November 1, 2006, pages 27-31)(SACRED GATHERINGS)

    Review comments will be in red

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. "-ISAIAH 56:7.

    Opening Comments

    OT example—Isaiah 56:7 theme scripture. Did you notice that there is no record in the Bible of early Christians meeting other than in private groups in homes? How does the WTS then demand that its members attend 3 large meetings each year: 1-day Special Assembly Day (SAD), 2-day Circuit Assembly (CA), and 3-day (up to 8 days in the past) District Convention (DC).

    Until 1958, JWs traveled to one central location in the world imitating the Jews traveling to Jerusalem. But with over 258,000 attending in 1958, it was necessary to make the DCs in several locations each year. The 3 gatherings that the Jews attended were 8 days long thus the WTS making early conventions the same length. Could you imagine attending an 8-day convention today? BTW, under the Law only the men were required to attend, it was optional for women and children.

    But where does it say in the Bible that Christians attended such things? Nowhere….thus the WTS has to impose OT/Law Covenants rulings on so-called Christian JWs.

    *** w88 5/1 p. 30 You Are Invited to the "Divine Justice" District Conventions ***

    Among his many spiritual provisions for his ancient people were three annual festivals: the Passover and the Festival of Unfermented Cakes; the Festival of Weeks, or Pentecost; and the Festival of Booths, or Ingathering. These three festivals were viewed with great anticipation, for they were both spiritually upbuilding and occasions of great joy.—Leviticus 23:40-43.

    In modern times, Jehovah God has put it into the hearts of his servants likewise to have three annual spiritual festivals
    : the special assembly day, the two-day circuit assembly, and the three- or four-day district convention.


    Q1) What Scriptural reasons do we have for showing proper respect for our meetings?

    1) JEHOVAH has gathered his people, anointed Christians and their companions, to worship him at his "holy mountain." He is making them rejoice inside his "house of prayer," his spiritual temple, which is "a house of prayer for all the nations." (Isaiah 56:7; Mark 11:17) These developments indicate that Jehovah's worship is holy, pure, and elevated. By showing proper respect for our meetings for study and worship, we prove that we share Jehovah's view of sacred things.

    Anointed Christians and their companions

    A phrase that says that their companions must not be Christians. It doesn’t say "and their Christian companions."

    It puts these non-anointed in a secondary position, very like how women are viewed in the JW congregation.

    By showing proper respect for our meetings for study and worship, we prove that we share Jehovah's view of sacred things.

    What does the WTS consider "proper"? (I went to one congregation where chewing gum and eating mints was not allowed and the attendant would tell you to get rid of it.)

    Jehovah’s view or the WTS/FDS/GB view?

    Q2) What indicates that Jehovah held as sacred the place he chose for his worship, and how did Jesus show that he too did so?

    2) In ancient Israel, the place that Jehovah chose for his worship was to be held sacred. The tabernacle and its furnishings and utensils were to be anointed and sanctified `that they might indeed become most holy.' (Exodus 30:26-29) The two compartments of the sanctuary were called "the Holy Place" and "the Most Holy." (Hebrews 9:2, 3) The tabernacle was later replaced by the temple in Jerusalem. As the seat of Jehovah's worship, Jerusalem was called "the holy city." (Nehemiah 11:1; Matthew 27:53) During his earthly ministry, Jesus himself showed due respect for the temple. He was incensed at the people for the disrespectful way that they used the temple area for commercial purposes and as a shortcut.-Mark 11:15,16.

    Notice how meetings are compared to buildings and objects used in worship under the Law (OT). Do know of any rules governing Christian meetings except that they be orderly and that the gifts of the holy spirit be used one at a time so they would be beneficial?

    He (Jesus) was incensed at the people for the disrespectful way that they used the temple area for commercial purposes and as a shortcut

    Can you think of some commercial ways your old KH was used and no one said anything?

    Q3) What illustrates the sacred nature of Israel's assemblies?

    3) The Israelites assembled regularly to worship Jehovah and to listen to the reading of his Law. Certain days of their festivals were called holy conventions or solemn assemblies, indicating the sacred nature of these gatherings. (Leviticus 23:2, 3, 36, 37) At a public assembly in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, the Levites "were explaining the law to the people." Since "all the people were weeping as they were hearing the words of the law," the Levites "were ordering all the people to be silent, saying: `Keep quiet! for this day is holy."' The Israelites then celebrated the seven-day Festival of Booths with "very great rejoicing." Furthermore, "there was a reading aloud of the book of the law of the true God day by day, from the first day until the last day; and they went on holding the festival seven days, and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the rule." (Nehemiah 8:711, 17, 18) These were truly holy occasions requiring respectful attention on the part of those in attendance.

    Blah, blah, blah, more and more examples of "gatherings" of the Jews at the temples…where are the Christian examples?

    Our Meetings Are Sacred Gatherings

    Q4, 5. What features of our meetings prove that they are sacred gatherings?

    4) True, today Jehovah has no literal holy city on earth, with a special temple dedicated to his worship. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that meetings for the worship of Jehovah are sacred gatherings. Three times a week, we meet in order to read and study the Scriptures. Jehovah's Word is "expounded," and as in Nehemiah's time, there is "a putting of meaning into it." (Nehemiah 8:8) All our meetings begin and end with prayer, and at most of them, we sing songs of praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 26:12) The congregation meetings are truly a part of our worship and call for a prayerful attitude and respectful attention on our part.

    True, today Jehovah has no literal holy city on earth, with a special temple dedicated to his worship. Nevertheless

    "Nevertheless" translated by the WTS means that all this applies to Christians anyway.

    Three times a week, we meet

    Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should meet 3 times a week for 5 meetings?

    Matthew 24:45-47: We are the FDS thus we can make new rules.

    Prayerful attitude and respectful attention

    So what are JWs doing at the meetings that isn’t prayerful and respectful that has prompted this article?

    5) Jehovah blesses his people as they meet together to worship him, study his Word, and enjoy sweet Christian fellowship. When the time comes to attend a meeting, we can be sure that it is there that `Jehovah commands the blessing to be.' (Psalm 133:1, 3) We share in that blessing if we are present and attentively follow the spiritual program. Moreover, Jesus stated: "Where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst." In context, this statement applies to Christian elders who are meeting to handle serious problems between individuals, but in principle, it also applies to our meetings. (Matthew 18: 20) If Christ, by means of holy spirit, is present when Christians meet together in his name, should not such gatherings be considered sacred?

    Jehovah blesses his people as they meet together…we share in that blessing if we are present and attentively follow…

    I was told once that unless I was at the meetings that I would not be blessed by God.

    The WTS admits they are not applying Matthew 18:20 in context…but they can apply anything if they call it a "principle" because "we are the FDS and we make the rules."


    only JWs (are true Christians, the rest are so-called or professed)

    [Picture on page 28] Meetings to worship Jehovah are sacred gatherings wherever they are held

    Q6) What can be said of our meeting places, both large and small?

    6) It is true that Jehovah does not dwell in man-made temples. Nevertheless, our Kingdom Halls are places of true worship. (Acts 7:48; 17:24) We meet there to study Jehovah's Word, pray to him, and sing his praises. That is also true of our Assembly Halls. Larger facilities rented for our conventions -such as auditoriums, exhibition halls, or sports stadiums-become places of worship while being used for our sacred gatherings. These occasions for worship, large and small, deserve our respect, and that should be reflected in our attitude and behavior.

    KHs are not temples but places of true worship….what about private homes?

    Assembly Halls…larger facilities rented (auditoriums, exhibition halls, sports stadiums) become places of worship

    Deserve our respect…attitude and behavior

    Sounds like the problem is lack of respect and bad attitudes

    Ways to Show Respect for Our Gatherings

    Q7) In what tangible way can we show respect for our gatherings?

    7) There are tangible ways that we can show respect for our gatherings. One way is by being present for the singing of Kingdom songs. Many of these are worded as prayers and should therefore be sung reverentially. Quoting Psalm 22, the apostle Paul wrote of Jesus: "I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you with song." (Hebrews 2:12) Hence, we should make it a point to be in our seats before the chairman introduces the song and then to concentrate on the meaning of the words while singing. May our singing reflect the feelings of the psalmist who wrote: "I shall laud Jehovah with all my heart in the intimate group of upright ones and the assembly." (Psalm 111:1) Yes, singing praises to Jehovah is one very good reason to arrive early at our meetings and to stay until the end.

    Tangible ways…show respect

    1. being present for the singing of the Kingdom songs…worded as prayers…sung reverentially

    So evidently many JWs are late for the song…too much partying the night before perhaps

    Are the songs prayers?

    How does one sing "reverentially"? How are certain JWs evidently not singing reverentially?

  • make it a point to be in our seats before the chairman introduces the song
  • Have you noticed the techniques the WTS has introduced to control the disobedient JWs? They even tell people to go to their seats and they just keep talking; they worst offenders, elders and their wives. People would not even stop talking until the song started and people started singing.

    Arrive early…stay until the end

    The WTS tells elders and MS to arrive 20 minutes before a meeting starts and to stay 20 minutes after. How many did so in your old congregation?

    Q8) What example in the Bible shows that prayers at our meetings merit our respectful attention?

    8) Another feature that spiritually enhances all our meetings is heartfelt prayer offered on behalf of all those assembled. On one occasion, first-century Christians in Jerusalem met together and "with one accord raised their voices to God" in fervent prayer. As a result, they continued-in spite of persecution-"speaking the word of God with boldness." (Acts 4:24-31) Can we imagine any of those present letting their mind wander during that prayer? No, they prayed "with one accord." Prayers uttered at our meetings reflect the feelings of all in attendance. They merit our respectful attention.

    Heartfelt prayer…fervent prayer…letting their mind wander during that prayer

    How can they tell someone’s mind is wandering during a prayer? ESP…mind reading?

    Q9) How can we show our respect for sacred gatherings by our dress and behavior?

    9) Furthermore, we can show how deeply we respect the sacred nature of our gatherings by the way we dress. Our appearance with respect to both our clothing and our hairstyle can do much to add to the dignity of our meetings. The apostle Paul counseled: "I desire that in every place the men carry on prayer, lifting up loyal hands, apart from wrath and debates. Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in wellarranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God." (1 Timothy 2:810) When we attend large conventions held in open-air stadiums, our dress can be appropriate to the weather conditions and still be dignified. In addition, our respect for the occasion will lead us to refrain from eating or chewing gum during the sessions. Proper dress and behavior at our gatherings honor Jehovah God, his worship, and our fellow worshippers.

    Deeply we respect the sacred nature of gatherings by the way we dress…clothing..hairstyle…

    Appropriate to the weather conditions and still be dignified

    No thin strapped or strapless dresses, sisters.

    Refrain from eating or chewing gum during the sessions

    I can understand not eating but not chewing gum?

    Fellow worshippers— only JWs

    Conduct Befitting God's Household

    Q10) How did the apostle Paul show that a high standard of conduct is required at our Christian meetings?

    10) In 1 Corinthians, chapter 14, we find the apostle Paul's wise counsel on how Christian meetings should be conducted. He concluded by saying: "Let all things take place decently and by arrangement." (1 Corinthians 14:40) Our meetings are an important part of the activity of the Christian congregation, and they require a level of conduct that befits Jehovah's household.

    Christian (only JW) meetings

    Christian (JW only) congregation

    Jehovah’s household— only anointed Christians per the Bible

    Q11, 12) (a) What should be impressed upon the minds of children who attend our meetings? (b) In what appropriate way can children express their faith at our meetings?

    11) Children, in particular, need to be taught how to behave at our meetings. Christian parents should explain to their children that the Kingdom Hall and the Congregation Book Study location are not places to play. They are places where we worship Jehovah and study his Word. Wise King Solomon wrote: "Guard your feet whenever you go to the house of the true God; and let there be a drawing near to hear." (Ecclesiastes 5:1) Moses taught the Israelites to assemble together adults and "little ones." He said: "Congregate the people ... in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah your God and take care to carry out all the words of this law. And their sons who have not known should listen, and they must learn to fear Jehovah."-Deuteronomy 31:12,13.

    Children, in particular, need to be taught how to behave at our meetings.

    Are not places to play

    Once again 2 OT sources are cited: Solomon and Moses.

    The children at Christian worship locations must have been good children.

    Is this paragraph directed at children or the adults
    ---listen…learn…should listen…must learn.

    12) Similarly today, our young ones attend meetings with their parents primarily to listen and to learn. Once they are able to follow along and to understand at least basic Bible truths, children can also make a "public declaration" of their faith by participating with brief comments. (Romans 10:10) A young child may start by saying a few words in answer to a question he understands. At first, he may have to read the answer, but in time, he will try to express himself in his own words. This is beneficial and enjoyable for the child, and such spontaneous expressions of faith delight the hearts of older ones in attendance. Naturally, parents set the example by giving comments themselves. Where possible, it is good for children to have their own Bible, songbook, and copy of the publication that is being studied. They should learn to show proper respect for such publications. All of this will impress on the minds of the children that our meetings are sacred gatherings.

    Once they are able to follow along and to understand at least basic Bible truths

    How old would that be…able to talk and parrot the words fed to them by theiri parents?

    Participating with brief comments— like "Jehovah" and "Jesus"?

    To a question he (not she?) understands—how many questions here in this article would a 3-year-old really understand or even remember by the time they get home?

    Express himself in his own words— how many children do you and did you see being prompted and prepped? How many did you hear stumble through reading the paragraph using words they could not pronounce let alone knew what they meant. For example in this paragraph "spontaneous."

    Where possible, it is good for children to have their own Bible, songbook, and copy of the publication that is being studied. They should learn to show proper respect for such publications

    Does that mean no writing or coloring in them like they see adults underlining the whole paragraph or highlighting them with various colors? I knew a brother who highlighted the answer in part (a) and (b) with separate colors and scriptures with a third as he wrote in his margin the cited scriptures (at least he looked them up).

    Who carries and keeps track of all these publications? After every assembly/convention/meeting the Lost and Found has many "lost" publications that are never retrieved. I wonder if the "free" publications have made that worse.

    Is it proper to write in your Bible? Can parents take colorful WT publications and make a separate picture book for children? Can children look at the Bible storybook during the meeting?

    Copy of the publication that is being studied

    Book study nights are going to be interesting with the study of the Revelation Climax book. Now there is a book designed for children!

    Q13) What is our hope with regard to those attending our meetings for the first time?

    13) Of course, we do not want our meetings to resemble Christendom's church services. These can be either cold and sanctimonious or boisterous like rock concerts. We want the meetings at our Kingdom Halls to be warm and inviting but not to the point of resembling a neighborhood social club. We meet in order to worship Jehovah, so our meetings should always be dignified. Our desire is that after listening to the material presented and observing our behavior and that of our children, those attending for the first time will say: "God is really among you."-1 Corinthians 14:25.

    We do not want our meetings to resemble Christendom’s church services

    And how many have they been to?

    Cold and sanctimonious— sounds like most KHs. I traveled a great deal through the US and Canada and still do. I used to visit many congregations. I would grade them on how long it took someone to greet me…after all they had no idea if I was a JW or not. With some, no one greeted me at all. With others, as soon as they determined that I was a JW, they were off and running, after no time could be counted talking to me and I was no potential bible study. Cold, cold, cold.

    Boisterous like rock concerts— it’s only black and white with the WTS…there is never anything in between.

    Meetings at our Kingdom Halls to be warm and inviting but not…social club.

    Actually that is the main reason JWs come, to find social contacts, to talk to their few friends, find a mate, find friends for their children

    Should always be dignified— what are JWs doing lately that is not dignified that the WTS feels it needs to devote 2 articles to the topic?

    Are JWs just trying to showcase their "Christian" and "loving" behavior to the few non-JWs that come? Do JWs treat their family and "fellow believers" the same away from the KH setting? Where is the love when no human is seeing them?

    A Permanent Feature of Our Worship

    Q14, 15) (a) How can we avoid ‘neglecting the house of our God'? (b) How is Isaiah 66:23 already being fulfilled?

    14) As stated before, Jehovah is gathering his people and making them rejoice inside his "house of prayer," his spiritual temple. (Isaiah 56:7) The faithful man Nehemiah reminded his fellow Jews that they should show proper respect for the literal temple by supporting it materially. He stated: "We should not neglect the house of our God." (Nehemiah 10:39) Furthermore, we should not neglect Jehovah's invitation to worship him inside his "house of prayer."

    Is the WTS saying that the KHs, assembly halls, and rented facilities are God’s spiritual temple? I thought God did not dwell in man-made buildings? Is this constant use of OT examples bleeding into the WTS doctrines?

    OT example— Nehemiah

    Is God gathering Christians or Christ?

    *** w77 9/1 pp. 541-542 Spiritual Festivals—Ancient and Modern ***

    Today, Jesus Christ is gathering this "great crowd" of his "other sheep" so that eventually they may be united with his "little flock," making just "one flock" under the one "fine shepherd."

    Show proper respect for the literal temple by supporting it materially.

    Are JWs giving to the WTS as they did before 1990 when the publications were purchased based on a stated price? With JWs now able to give anonymously to the contribution boxes in the KHs, are they doing so? What about all the so-called simplification in the WTS organization to "save" money? No more food at the conventions/assemblies, no more subscriptions, paperback books and bibles, the Awake magazine only being printed once a month instead of twice, conventions/assemblies being moved to cheaper venues after 20 years in some locations, selling large properties in NYC, etc.

    [Picture on page 31] Our little ones attend meetings to listen and to learn

    15) Showing the need for regularity in meeting together to worship, Isaiah prophesied: "'It will certainly occur that from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath all flesh will come in to bow down before me,' Jehovah has said." (Isaiah 66:23) This is happening today. Regularly, every week of every month, dedicated Christians come together to worship Jehovah. They do this by, among other things, attending Christian meetings and engaging in the public ministry. Are you one of those who regularly `come and bow down before Jehovah'?

    regularity…regularly…every week of every month…regularly

    OT example— Isaiah

    Dedicated Christians…Christian meetings— only JWs

    Q16) Why should regular meeting attendance be a permanent feature of our lives now?

    16) Isaiah 66:23 will fully apply to life in Jehovah's promised new world. At that time, "all flesh will," in aliteral sense, week by week and month by month, "come in to bow down before," or worship, Jehovah throughout eternity. Since meeting together to worship Jehovah will be a permanent feature of our spiritual lives in the new system of things, should we not make regular attendance at our sacred gatherings a permanent feature of our lives now?

    Yes, meetings will be a "permanent feature" in the "new system of things" or "promised new world." Something to look forward to, eh? So JWs are told if you think you will be regular then, why not now?

    in a literal sense, week by week and month by month

    I wonder if they will have 5 weekly meetings then or even more meetings?

    Where’s Jesus?

    Q17) Why do we need our meetings "all the more so as [we] behold the day drawing near"?

    17) As the end draws near, we should be more determined than ever to attend our Christian gatherings for worship. Out of respect for the sacred nature of our meetings, we do not allow secular work, school homework, or evening schooling to cause us to miss out on meeting regularly with our fellow believers. We need the strength that comes through association. Our congregation meetings provide us with the opportunity to get to know one another, to impart encouragement, and to incite one another to "love and fine works." We need to do this "all the more so as [we] behold the day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24, 25) May we, therefore, always show proper respect for our sacred gatherings by regular attendance, appropriate dress, and fitting behavior. By doing so, we show that we share Jehovah's view of sacred things.


    Christian gatherings—JW meetings only

    Out of respect…do not allow secular work, school homework, or evening schooling to cause us to miss

    Translation: don’t be materialistic, trust in God to pay your bills, do your homework, and no need to advance in your employment. I knew many elders even that missed meetings due to secular work.

    DAY DRAWING NEAR— for 127 years per the WTS

    Proper respect…regular attendance, appropriate dress, and fitting behavior

    Can you think of some of the unwritten rules?

    By Way of Review

    - What shows that the gatherings of Jehovah's people should be held sacred?

    - What features of our meetings prove that they are sacred gatherings?

    - How can children show that they respect the sacred nature of our meetings?

    - Why should we make regular meeting attendance a permanent feature of our lives?

    Concluding Comments

    Key words:

    Proper respect…due respect…respectful attention…disrespectful way…deserve our respect…show respect

    Dignified…dignity of our meetings…always be dignified

    Prayerful attitude…reflected in our attitude

    regularity…regularly…every week of every month…regularly

    behavior (5 times)

    Do you get the message? Too many JWs are not showing proper respect, are not dignified, are not regularly attending the meetings, have a bad attitude and their behavior needs readjusting…and that’s just the elders.

    BTW, what will the WTS do to people who are chewing gum (or appear to be) during the assemblies/conventions/meetings? Take away their "privileges"? Why do they treat their members like small children?

    No snow in the near future. People have been skateboarding and riding bikes and this is supposed to be the frozen north. I hope all the people in the Northwest are okay. The weather sure has been crazy lately. We should try and hug the ones we love.

    Love, Blondie

  • jgnat
    Do you get the message? Too many JWs are not showing proper respect, are not dignified, are not regularly attending the meetings, have a bad attitude and their behavior needs readjusting…and that’s just the elders.

    Blondie, you crack me up! Thanks for the early morning laugh.

  • Zico

    'In context, this statement applies to Christian elders who are meeting to handle serious problems between individuals, but in principle, it also applies to our meetings. (Matthew 18: 20)'

    Actually, even in context, this statement has nothing to do with elders discussing judicial matters.

  • avidbiblereader

    I like how the Bible puts it into perspective, all by the Blondie I enjoy your information and posts. As I was saying the Bible puts conventions or festivals in Bible times in perspective in Det 31:9-12

    9 Then Moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests the sons of Le´vi, the carriers of the ark of Jehovah’s covenant, and to all the older men of Israel. 10 And Moses went on to command them, saying: “At the end of every seven years, in the appointed time of the year of the release, in the festival of booths, 11 when all Israel comes to see the face of Jehovah your God in the place that he will choose, you will read this law in front of all Israel in their hearing. 12 Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident who is within your gates, in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn, as they must fear Jehovah YOUR God and take care to carry out all the words of this law

    The Society loves using this scripture for meeting attendance at conventions but they don't use verse 10 which plainly states it was done every 7 years, not yearly. Also Paul said in Col 2:16 in the Amplified Translation

    16 Therefore let no one sit in judgment on you in matters of food and drink, or with regard to a feast day or a New Moon or a Sabbath.

    Paul also said the Law was nailed to the Stake Cross depending on what you believe, who cares which one, he died for us and finally I like how many times Christ went to the meetings in Luke 4:16 16 And he came to Naz´a·reth, where he had been reared; and, according to his custom on the sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue, and he stood up to read.

    If once a week was good enough for Christ why all these unneccessary meetings just going over the same information over and over and over and over, oopps almost put you through one. If we are suppose to be Christ like, then why can't witnesses only go to one meeting a week?

    There is plenty of information that the Society doesn't want people to read or focus on, hmmmm????


    Meetings at our Kingdom Halls to be warm and inviting but not…social club.

    Actually that is the main reason JWs come, to find social contacts, to talk to their few friends, find a mate, find friends for their children


    If you enter any congregation,all you will find are cliques.Elders with elders,pioneers with pioneers and kids with kids.The young are all looking for a mate.My mom never misses any meetings because her sister and family attend the same congregation.That is her only chance to see anyone since she never goes out.I've always said that the meetings are no different than a bowling league,card game or sports bar.After a while,the only reason anyone attends is that that's what they have in common.

    Blondie: Thanks for all your work.As this study shows, the meetings are used just to inforce rules and regulations from the WT SOCIETY.

  • xjwms


    Thank you again, .. another great review.

    You are right, ... sounds like they treat the members as children.

    All the rules so glad I am not attending.


  • minimus

    CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL..... It's even showing disrespect to Jehovah if you chew gum?? WACKOS!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Christians—only JWs (are true Christians, the rest are so-called or professed)

    From para. 5- Only Christians need to meet together in his name.

    You were too easy on them. Para. 1 showed that only the anointed are Christians, so the companions don't even
    have to do this.

    Anointed Christians and their companions

    A phrase that says that their companions must not be Christians. It doesn’t say "and their Christian companions."

  • OnTheWayOut

    Para. 8

    Can we imagine any of those present letting their mind wander during that prayer? No, they prayed "with one accord." Prayers uttered at our meetings reflect the feelings of all in attendance. They merit our respectful attention.

    Heartfelt prayer…fervent prayer…letting their mind wander during that prayer

    How can they tell someone’s mind is wandering during a prayer? ESP…mind reading?

    Can we imagine the elder or Bethelite who thinks every prayer is his only chance to shine? He must drone on and on and on for 10 minutes or more, reviewing points from the assembly in a prayer, kissing up to the district overseer and governing body. People are supposed to stay standing with their eyes closed- they start to get vertigo from doing so. I did my best to pay attention to the prayer, but come on already. God wasn't going to condemn you if you forgot to ask for his spirit upon the orphans, widows, pioneers, elders, elderly, new baptism candidates, bible students, etc. etc. etc.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Para. 11, 12

    Q11, 12) (a) What should be impressed upon the minds of children who attend our meetings? (b) In what appropriate way can children express their faith at our meetings?

    A young child may start by saying a few words in answer to a question he understands.

    To a question he (not she?) understands — how many questions here in this article would a 3-year-old really understand or even remember by the time they get home?

    Do you see the question here? Could even an 8 year old answer such a wordy question? Couldn't they just say
    "What do children learn at the meetings?" "How do children share in the meetings?" or even simpler questions?

    NO- they gotta have minds IMPRESSED UPON and express THEIR faith. Cult indoctrination.

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