Nov. 8 Awake - Wife Beaters-Sick

by MrMoe 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    You're right, Mr. Moe, there's no way to prove spousal rape. After all, you have to have two or more witnesses, and how can you possibly do that? That's why they still have that stupid rule. They know it actually protects wife-beaters and child molesters. And is designed to keep women and children feeling totally defenseless.

    Bridgette, I understand what you mean. Once that happens to you, ESPECIALLY by your husband....someone who's supposed to honor, cherish, and treat you as his own flesh, it's seared into your brain forever. And kind, gentle, loving treatment, which is YOUR RIGHT, seems strange. When you are treated with respect and real love, you find yourself thinking absurd thoughts.

    Lisa and dungbeetle, I'm going to send this article also. To as many shelters in the Chicago area I can find. (Thanks, Anne, for your kind words.)

    Really would like to hear Fred's and You Know's comments on this. Then again, maybe not!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • JT


    excellent quote showing the type of advice that elders gave based entirely on the slant of the Writing Dept



  • JT


    I fully understand your comment, because that is perhaps the first thing that would come to the mind of most of us upon hearing of a woman getting her a$$ beat for breakfast lunch and dinner-
    but there are issue that go way beyond the physcial abuse that you and i see- the mind game that is played

    what is would encourage you to do if you are really seroious about why in the world would a woman stay in such an arrangement is to
    check out some of the AABUSE SITEs

    PERHAPS YOU WILL have a different take on matters
    but i fully understand the comment for i too used to feel the same way till i begin to look into abuse and i saw all the same elements that kept so many of us in WT for years while getting our A$$ beaten as well


  • JT

    Mr Moe

    when i too read his post i thought he was way off , but i realize that many who state that a women is stupid to stay are simply speaking without any knowledge of abuse- for i too used to feel that way, till i decided to brush up on abuse and i was amazed at how the FEAR, GUILT AND OBLIGATION , CONTROL AND ON AND ON

    PLAY Major roles in staying

    so i encouraged my boy to do some research then he can speak intelligently on the subject instead as you put it A JACKASS


  • JT

    Black man to black man------

    i recall one night in Towers we asked JR Brown about those words and he was very straight forward as anyone who knows him will tell you

    and he told us that they use those words to provide them the ablilty to ajust things IF NEED BE

    so loooking back it is so sad that folks, elders and pub made life chices on info that was subject to change before the INK IS DRY


  • JT


    your story was deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeP

  • closer2fine

    I posted this on Bill's thread too:

    Could anyone please send me this issue of the Awake??



    Mean People Produce
    Little Mean People

  • MrMoe

    I don't want to give up my only copy - but I can make copies on my copier here at work. If you want me to send you a copy - just let me know.


  • Billygoat

    Moe I would love a copy. I'll email you my address! Thank you for making it available to us!


  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    No prob Billygoat.

    Any of you who I send a copy to - please make copies and distribute.

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