Mormons != JW. Read these genuine quotes from active and inactive members!!

by Qcmbr 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    With interest I find that once again the LDS faith is cast as the twin tower of Mordor to the Watchtower Orthanc. We are not the same my precious. Read these quotes below to see just how different we really are.

    Active members (I can't believe how cocky they are!)

    "What nutritional value does it have if it doesn't contain Jello?"

    "I needed a blood transfusion and both my hometeachers turned up with their sleeves rolled up and their emergency first aid kits."

    "I have so much wheat that I've built an extension just to put the silo in."

    "My church get's so much money through tithing that you could almost believe it actually is a kingdom."

    "I enjoyed my mission."

    "Its so cool - I get to go inside the temple and see all the best bits while everyone else just has to bitch about it from the outside."

    "I'm in so much debt - I went to university"

    "I could never work out why we never put out any literature against other churches? Heck, we don't even belittle anyone on our website. I wish we'd print some 'your beliefs stink' tract or something just to yank the chains of the heathen christians."

    "I can undesrtand why some religious people get peeved by us - we have a prophet, a martyr, angelic visits, continuing revelation, new scriptures, healings and stuff. I guess they want us to be boring and give all that up and just do like they do and pretend we know the scriptures better than anyone else so we must be right"

    Inactive Members

    "Hell, I had to go visit members of my church - even when they had left. I wish I could have shunned some of them. Come to think of it I have some fundamentalist family members who I would love to have a proper excuse to avoid."

    "They made me study the friggin bible in the morning! It wasn't like I was even memorising stuff that could be used to bash other faiths. And then on top of it all I had to actually go live it."

    "Tithing - what a joke - Abraham did it and look what happened to him. How can anyone think that God could need cash both sides of the birth of Jesus!"

    "Like I had to baptise and bless people - they said I had some kind of authority - like you need God to say its OK to do stuff for Him! Heck if I want to I could set up a church right now and God would just have to go along with it and accept I was His rep - God's cool like that - you get to teach what you like and blame Him!"

    "I was actually encouraged to work really hard and not accept simple menial work as all I was good enough for. They said I was good enough to be a God and so should try and be great at all things I did- what a crock of garbage - I just wanted to clean floors."

    "Hahaha - they said I could actually ask God if any of it was true and that I should only be a member if God himself said I should - ah well how bizarre is that. They miss the whole point about the bible - that's the only proof you need (as long as your willing to accept the latest interpretation ) - there's no need to bother God along the way."

  • jwfacts
    With interest I find that once again the LDS faith is cast as the twin tower of Mordor to the Watchtower Orthanc.

    Cool analogy. You have got me sold, can I join KidA at the next Mormon baptism?

  • Qcmbr

    You'll have to get in line - so many people are impressed by my amazing preaching work here and I get a new PM every few minutes with another willing convert stunned by the clarity and power of my typing. I'm actually thinking that maybe I should just bypass the Mormons and just set it all up myself. Why on earth should they get the ten percent. I think I'll re-institute polygamy yehaw.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    "I could never work out why we never put out any literature against other churches? Heck, we don't even belittle anyone on our website. I wish we'd print some 'your beliefs stink' tract or something just to yank the chains of the heathen christians."

    I guess this person doesn't know his church's history.

    "I can undesrtand why some religious people get peeved by us - we have a prophet, a martyr, angelic visits, continuing revelation, new scriptures, healings and stuff. I guess they want us to be boring and give all that up and just do like they do and pretend we know the scriptures better than anyone else so we must be right"

    What do they think calling yourself "the only True Church on earth" would lead people to believe

  • stark

    "I can undesrtand why some religious people get peeved by us - we have a prophet, a martyr, angelic visits, continuing revelation, new scriptures, healings and stuff. I guess they want us to be boring and give all that up and just do like they do and pretend we know the scriptures better than anyone else so we must be right"

    I thought Qcmbr was just kidding around when he posted, this quote was rather amusing.

  • Qcmbr

    Deputy - you almost seem like you care! I'm more than happy to go back to that nutcase ex-lds person who made that quote about the tracts and prove them wrong! I need one that says something subtle - say like 'The End of All False Religion Is Near'. If you can point to where we say we are right BECAUSE we understand the scriptures better I can put to bed another stupid claim from that other quotee (is that a real word hehe)

    P.S.If your up for a friendly wager (say your spouse, children and pension??) I'll bet I know LDS history better than you. :p

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Here are some more quotes for ya Q

    Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt wrote: "The gates of hell have prevailed and will continue to prevail over the Catholic Mother of Harlots, and over all her Protestant Daughters;...the apostate Catholic church, with all her popes and bishops, together with all her harlot daughters shall be hurled down to hell.. ." (Pamphlets by Orson Pratt, p.112). "But on the other hand, if investigation should prove the Book of Mormon true... the American and English nations... should utterly reject both the Popish and Protestant ministry, together with all the churches which have been built up by them or that have sprung from them, as being entirely destitute of authority... " (Orson Pratt's Works, "Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon," Liverpool, 1851, pp. 1-2) Third President John Taylor boasted: "...we are the only people that know how to save our progenitors, how to save ourselves, and how to save our posterity in the celestial kingdom of God;...we in fact are the saviours of the world..." (Journal of Discourses, vol.6, p.163). Tenth President Joseph Fielding Smith stated that there is "no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith. If Joseph Smith was verily a prophet, and if he told the truth.... No man can reject that testimony without incurring the most dreadful consequences, for he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.1, pp.189-90). He also stated: that the Mormons "are, notwithstanding our weaknesses, the best people in the world. I do not say this boastingly, for I believe that this truth is evident to all who are willing to observe for themselves. We are morally clean, in every way equal, and in many ways superior to any other people" (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.1, p.236). "Every spirit that confesses that Joseph Smith is a Prophet, that he lived and died a Prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true, is of God, and every spirit that does not is of anti-Christ." Brigham Young, History of the Church (vol.7, p.287),

    P.S.If your up for a friendly wager (say your spouse, children and pension??) I'll bet I know LDS history better than you. :p

    I wouldn't want your spouse, children or need your pension. If you do know LDS history better than I, and still call yourself a Mormon, you have nothing to brag about.

  • Qcmbr

    So the tracts you found are 150 odd years old. Cool. As an additional help see if you can give me something more up to date? I still know my history better than you but I'm not actually bragging - just pointing out (purely in the interests of fairness) that just because you can find disgruntled members and bigots that there is any special linkage between the LDS and the WT. We claim absolutely different things. One is building the kingdom of Jehovah while the other claims to actually be it. One claims that if you don't join you're armageddon fodder while the other says you get further options. One is designed to make its members stupid, dogmatic and rote learning drones while the other makes it a priority to think for yourself and be responsible for your own progression. One has the trappings of a real kingdom including political, military, financial, educational, welfare and diplomatic experience while the other lives in a 1984 world where they talk big and pretend to be big but do nothing relying on a sub-college standard mag to educate and spending time discussing which house they'll be given after they've made it through. I'm sorry but the religion you left is not in the same league. It may have numbers but it isn't a real organisation - if there was no door to door preaching what would there be???? Hmm I just re-read this and hell yeah, I am bragging but ONLY in comparison to the WT - there are plenty of other faiths that have as good/better credentials.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Hey - what's wrong with my wife!!!?

    Nothing. I have one of my own, Thanks anyway!

  • Kaput
    Hey - what's wrong with my wife!!!?

    Which one?

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