Mormons != JW. Read these genuine quotes from active and inactive members!!

by Qcmbr 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    Qcmbr - was this thread an apology for Mormonism?

    Speaking for myself, I see a lot of similarity in all the cults...Mormon, JW, Scientology, Bagwan Bagsheesh Yoga, Kabbala, you name it.

    It is not good enough for me to just point out "my favorite cult does not quite have the same faults as some one else's favorite cult".

    Cults is Cults.

    Maybe it is time for you to change your underwear.



  • LittleToe

    Following on from Undercover's comments. It seems that the JWs attempt to indoctrinate the mind while the LDS the emotions.

    I've heard it put that the JWs are Presbyterianism gone wrong, whereas the LDS are the Charismatic church gone wrong. I'm not going to defend or attack the "gone wrong" comment, as I'm only quoting, but it does demonstrate the completely different angle that each ethos is coming from.

  • lovelylil

    Hey all,

    For those who believe that being a Mormon is better - please read the book "under the banner of heaven". It is a true life story about two mormons who murdered a young woman and her child. The reason behind it is what is so interesting. Seems like they view "worldly" people and "apostates" with just as much disgust as the JW's. Only these two guys took it a step further.

    One of the killers gives the reasons for the killings and an inside view about growing up in one of the mormon fundamental type sects and the indoctrination. The similarities between the mind control in the JW's and the Mormons is very striking. Of course this is a fundy group but the author of it goes back into the history of Mormonism too to see why these people felt the way they did. And like pahpa pointed out, they have very similiar backgrounds to the JWs.

    I also read some of their literature to keep a friend from joining, I needed to find out what they believed to help her:

    Like the JW's they believe they are the only true religion

    They believe that there will be a new world that only Mormons will live in

    They view anyone outside of their church with disgust and they are deserving of death for being sinners

    You must be 100% loyal to the upper men who speak from God and decide all matters of doctrine

    While the JW's believe in "new light" the Mormons believe in "new revelation" (both go contrary to the bible)

    The JW's had Russell in the beginning as their 7th messenger, that servant, etc. Mormons have Smith as that special agent, messenger of God

    The JW's believe their work is directed by angels, the Mormons believe the same thing

    The JW's have their own bible, the Mormons have "book of mormon" which is on the same level as the bible

    They both use other writings by thier leaders to interpret the bible (contrary to the bible itself)

    They both believe that God only answers their prayers and protects them from harm

    There is much more but these are a few of the glaring similiarities. Lilly

  • Qcmbr

    Lovelylil - what codswallop. When you read such fiction as the book you cite and suggest it is of worth and then spout the most blatantly garbage set of beliefs bfor a faith you know little of - knowing full well LDS members post here and can put you straight I am surprised at your bravado. This topic was a humorous rebuff to the falsehood put out in the LDS and JWs brainwashing thread.

  • lovelylil

    Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear,

    The beliefs I stated that Mormons and JW's have in common were not taken from the book I mentioned. While it is some fiction it is based upon the fact of some murders by two Mormons. One of the killers himself raised a Mormon gave his own personal experiences about it to the author of the book.

    The beliefs were taken from their own literature of which my friend gave me. She was having a "bible study" with some mormons. We also looked over the book of Mormon together. All the things I cited as common beliefs, one true religion, only they can intepret the bible, believing in a great prophet or teacher from God, new revelation which is the same as new light......these ARE beliefs or Mormons. I did not make this up.

    It was not my intent to offend anyone and perhaps the point of your thread escaped me, I was only adding to paphas post in which he cited some similarities between the two groups. I am not judging Mormons although I did not want my friend to go from the JW's into the Mormons for obvious reasons. The Mormons have a right to believe what they wish. Sorry for upsetting you, Lilly

  • Qcmbr

    Its Ok LL - you get the whammy from me reading other posters and typing faster than I think.

  • james_woods

    OK, since I have no response so far:

    Qcmbr - was this thread an apology for Mormonism?

    Qcmbr - also, just for the record: what the hell is a codswallop?

    Lil - good answers, but I am afraid they are going to waste here. I also forgot to mention the Russelite movement as one of the similar cults.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't get it - the whole post!

    When I read the quotes that supposedly detagged the similarities, all I saw was similarities with a few differing terms.


  • james_woods

    Let's try this on for size:

    The root similarity in all of the cults is::::::::>>>>>> "CONTROL FREAKING"!

    And if you don't think the JCLDS has this in spades, just read some of their history in Utah - including how the president of the United States had to call out the army to restore order in the state. Or park your RV in a trailer park in Salt Lake City where they blast you with church propaganda from early afternoon to long past sundown from the loudspeakers.

    PS, Lil - Guess I forgot to mention "Jim Jones & the Peoples Temple of Doom",as one of the cults too.

    Want to hear a pin drop? Go to your local bowling alley, IMHO.


  • Qcmbr

    This post gets more meaningless the further it gets away from an original post about Mormons and JWs being the same which used quotes from some zealous LDS and ex-lds as a primer for comparisons - specifically regarding brainwashing. codswallop noun, Brit slang nonsense. ETYMOLOGY: 20c. This is not a Mormon apologetics post at all. This was a (fairly failed) attempt to be funny (clearly the quotes are ME just farting around and took an exhaustive two minutes to create) rather than simply responding to Kid-A s bait on Mormon recruitment I thought I'd try and take a softer more fun tack on a highly emotive subject (for me). If anyone has genuine questions about the LDS faith I can answer them but I wouldn't ever consider this a recruitment opportunity here.

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