Apology to all

by wozadummy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • betterdaze


    Peace be with you and your wife.


  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    Sucks to be bi-polar, don't it?

    I hate it when I'm going through some stress and lose it on somebody. I know I don't want to lose it, but I can't stop it. It doesn't happen too often anymore, but without the meds that I take giving me some marginal bit of normalcy, life is hell for me and everybody around me.

    But, life goes on and all we can do is try to own the illness, don't let it own us, get the help we need, and try our best to be cool to everybody, and apologize when we screw up.

    Hang in there, and I hope you and your family get through your difficulties soon.


  • BabaYaga

    Man, good on ya for this post, Dear Woz. I'm so glad you're staying.

    STRENGTH to you and yours. Just know that it really WILL get better.

    Hugs to you,

  • joanne_

    Hey Woz, sounds like you and the wife are under extreme pressure...like the other posters said, just go slow and dont be hard on yourself. This will sort itself out, hopefully sooner than later.

    for you and your wife


  • lovelylil


    Don't worry about it for everyone is entitled to an "off" day once in a while. Wish you and your wife the best and glad you are back, Lilly


    "Your forgiven but don`t do it again."..That has to be my favorite post on this thread..It takes alot of Brass to apologise..I`ve had to apologise..It was the right thing to do..Welcome back...OUTLAW

  • observador

    You did nothing wrong, but don't do it again. :)

  • Jeffro

    Ah... feel the syrupy sweet thick goo - 'welcome back', 'you didn't do anything wrong'.

    You did do something wrong. And then you tried to make people feel sorry for you.

    When things are going badly in one part of your life, it's very easy to push everyone else away by thinking they're the enemy as well. It really doesn't help anyone, least of all you.

    Apology accepted.

  • ozziepost

    Good on ya, mate!

  • Gill

    I too am glad you've decided to stay!!!!!

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