KHAA, reasn Watchtower is afraid of Kingdom hall related lawsuits (mishaps)

by DaCheech 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • moshe

    but now I see that charitable work is more important than the real purpose of religion- business.

    No religion can guarantee getting results from God - kinda like a "results may vary" disclaimer for a weight loss program.

  • badboy




  • TopHat

    Just shows to go ya, "The watchtower IS A, for profit business"

  • Finally-Free

    Is this something new? I've never heard of it. When I was account servant (2001-2002) I never sent any such money, and the instructions I have for account servants make no reference to it.


  • FuzzyPaul


    I have been passing these thoughts on and hope that GOD YHVH blesses their content's distribution to be as wide as possible:

    If one suffers abusive attentions from the WT witnesses don't be afraid to contact the police. Or the FBI since inter-state crimes may be involved or even considered terroristic. Or the Post Master Inspector since the WatchTower B&T Society has likely used the US mails to ask for $ for a "World-wide preaching work" and then used it to defend child rapists and abuse, stalk, spy on dissidents or funnel it into some pet project when Tsunami or Hurricane victims were the intended beneficiaries. Interestingly, the Watchtower's various United Nations Non-Governmental Organization affiliations forces them to have transparent accounting which means that, like in the Watergate scandal, if one followed the money one would find the crimes and conspiritors. See the movies "All the Presidents Men", "The Firm", "The Rainmaker", "The Pelican Brief". "A Civil Action", if you aren't sure what that means. Some of those are the works of an ex-lawyer / author John Grishom and based on realities of the law.

    I successfully threatened to sue them for organized harrassment when I grew a beard since they could be sued for "Violation of an Implied Contract" which was used by a fellow against his religion. If they are a Bible based religion then where do they get the injunction against beards from? Isn't it in fact a tradition and traditions are written against by them. Thus they failed to keep their promises and that is how I presented their "Violation of an Implied Contract" to them. AmJur, CJS, or Court reporters have a section on Religious Societies. The WT sent me a letter promising that "no one should question me regarding my decision to wear a beard" and that "it isn't disorderly conduct to wear a beard". I remember I read in the records of case law that it is required of dis-affected members to "Appeal to the "Governing Body of The Ecclesiastical Society" when aggrieved before legal action can be commenced. So I wrote thusly. That action of demanding relief from the Governing Body would put a serious demand on them just answering correspondence. When I find the letter I'll post it.

    As well I have heard of dirty tactics and lying to Judges used by the WT's lawyers against offended plaintiffs which I am sure would be a matter for the Bar associations since in many cases court recorded depositions or testimony from other cases has been misrepresented and twisted beyond recognition and the opposite of what the testimony was has been attributed to the testifyer. That alone could get an attorney dis-barred. Decimate their staff of lawyers. Anyone so offended can write the Bar although I would have an Attorney review the complaint letter to the Bar. The Bar may even have a form for complaints. Also lawsuits against lawyers for mal-practice can be filed.

    If everyone who has been battered or stalked or suffered any criminal act by a WT witness defied their orders against involving law enforcement when so offended they would sink. They have an unusual concentration of abusive and not surprisingly mentally ill or affected members. Little happiness there.

    They likely could be indicted for obstruction of justice and RICCO act violations as well as mail fraud Even their extensive record keeping can sink them as it has done in the past. At the least, public exposure of how they use records to harm individuals will help keep more potential victims from joining. Crimes have a way of eventually blowing up in the face of truely bad men, women and orgaizations.

    Pass this message on about how to sink them for criminal and conspiritorial acts. If enough people acted those nefarious creeps will never see the light of day again from their jail cells or it would even bankrupt them. There are thousands of disaffected people and they need to know that they have a voice and options. Pass it on, sink them. PASS IT ON.

    Maybe their are a few people with pockets deep enough to start an avalanche against the Unholy Watchtower.



  • Mysterious

    I'm betting that even though the society should be kicking in for repairs the congregation that gets vandalized will appeal to the local brothers to donate to cover the costs since the rank and file probably don't know the fund exists.

  • truthsetsonefree

    This is what got them in Napa Valley. WT tried to say that they, or at least the Pennsylvania Corp didn't do business in CA and therefore could not be sued. The judge struck that down on the basis that they sell insurance to Halls there.


  • crazyblondeb

    ok, me thinks my computer is "demonized". I was reading the first post, and then "poof", it disappeared. I can see the rest of the posts. Anyone else having this prob??


  • orbison11

    yes same thing happened to me

  • orbison11

    deb, i did a refresh and a fast copy and here it is:)

    DaCheech KHAA, reasn Watchtower is afraid of Kingdom hall related lawsuits (mishaps) 23-Nov-06 05:20

    United States, New York

    Unlike any other business or homeowener in which we go out and buy insurance, the Watchtower self insures itself.

    Each year all congregations sent a check through the WEFTS system for $4.5 for each publishers they have. This money goes to the Watchtower, and is kept as KHAA or Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement. Any time fire, vandalism, or mishaps happen the kingdom hall supposedly sends the bill to the Watchtower, and they will help with this bill (of course all labor will be done pro bono through regional building committe)

    Since all congregations send this money, they are all sharing in the risk. The watchtower collects this $$$$ and uses it. So this is the reason why they don't let kingdom halls be used as shelters, or to help the public. Any unneccesary use becomes a risk of insurance request, and they would have to flip the bill.

    Nice way of getting $$$$$$$$$$$, and keeping in the family

    I will later discuss TOAA to anyone interested (traveling overseer assistance arrangement)

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