Here's an idea....

by LemzaLady 48 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • LemzaLady

    Greetings, people who know nothing about JWs. I have a question. Are you blogging this site because you are bored or want to feel special, because it certainly cannot be for anything positive you might have to share with others.

    I have been associated with JWs for 30+ years. I disassociated myself at 15 because my Dad was a drunk and it pissed me off that the elders were sweating me over my teenage issues when he was endangering our lives, drinking like a friggin' fish and beating on us daily with both words and fists. Fortunately, I was smart enough to realize my issues were misdirected and childish; and I rejoined Jehovah's earthly people at 21.

    Even when I was angry and confused, I knew Jehovah's Witnesses had Bible truth and hope to offer. NO ONE ELSE DOES. I find it amusing that people on this site choose to complain of the shortcomings of the imperfect Brothers and Sisters on the earth today. If you love Jehovah and care about HIS Kingdom and HIS Sovreignty, then, you concern yourself with what YOU need to be doing and not what everyone else is not doing.

    I have known Brothers to cheat on their wives, abandon their family, give terrible, terrible advice to my loved ones and to judge others in the congregation unfairly. I, also, realize that all on earth are imperfect and not all represent Jehovah's teachings properly and that HE will deal with them in His own time in His own way. Maybe some are still in positions of honor (elders, ministerial servants, etc.), Has it ever occurred to you that Jehovah allows this to help weed out those who choose to stumble over the mistakes of imperfect man? Maybe some elders and MS need their thinking adjusted and have a really whacked way of handling situations. My point is that these are the actions of imperfect people. If we choose to let the naivete' of someone in the congregation stumble us, then we are merely playing into Satan's hands and not relying on Jehovah to bring about justice in HIS OWN TIME.

    I, for one, am one messed up Sister. I over-eat, over-drink and my meeting attendance has dropped to zero. But my Brothers and Sisters are still there encouraging me and humbling me daily.

    If I were strong in the truth, I wouldn't have even deigned to sully my mind with the swine-like comments I find here. But I am weak, so I looked.

    And what I saw makes me so angry.

    How dare you?

    Jehovah has a purpose for all of us. He has a purpose for all in His organization. Just because your purpose was not what you thought it should be, does not give you the right to belittle and criticize Jehovah's organization and His people. We make mistakes and some of us don't live up to what Jehaovah desires or requires. BUT, there are a great crowd of JWs who personify the purpose of Jehovah for his people today in so many astounding and heart-warming ways.

    LOVE Jehovah...if your heart is so inclined and seek His forgiveness. The men and women in his organizaion may not always do or say the right thing, but in the end, HE always will. Because HE is our Creator and our God and He always has and always will do what is right and what is good and what is just. HE is the perfect God of Love.

    My heart is heavy for those blaspheming His name for their own selfish reasons...blaming his people and his organization.

    Satan is your enemy and he alone. Well, maybe, not him alone, because from what I have read on this blog and experienced in my own lifetime...maybe, ...maybe you are your own worst enemy. I know that I have been mine.


    Dallas, USA

  • rwagoner

    How dare you?

    I was raised a jw - 4th generation...lived the lies for 20+ years. THAT IS HOW I DARE !

    How dare you? Come to this site and judge us ? Associating with us happy Apostates and non-believers ?

    Have fun getting that rafter out of your own eye !

  • ringo5

    Feel better now?

    P.S. You may want to edit your name out of your post, this being a public forum, you don't want that info in the wrong hands.

    Just some agape advice...

  • LemzaLady

    Poor, RWagoner. I don't remember mentioning anything particularly glowing about my own character. My rafter is still quite intact and I work on it minute-by-minute. But thank you so much for the suggestion.

    Ringo5? Thank-you for your suggestion. I took your advice. Agape, Me.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Hello Lemza,

    I thought you were going to be the sort of troll that posts once and never comes back, but you proved me wrong.

    I am sorry that your association with Jehovah's Witnesses has been so unpleasant, and that you still have so many problems in your life. Maybe the problem isn't really you.

    Since you said that we don't know anything about JWs, maybe you could review my posts and let me know when I posted something inaccurate about the culture or doctrines.

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,


  • LemzaLady

    Jedi Master (er, I mean, Rachel),

    Seeing as it's 4 am where I sit, I promise to do as you ask and review some of your past posts when I rise and shine in the morning or afternoon (I am a champion snoozer).

    Agape and warm Christian love,


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Even when I was angry and confused, I knew Jehovah's Witnesses had Bible truth and hope to offer. NO ONE ELSE DOES.

    Well, actually, other religions and other belief systems do offer people hope. It may not be a hope that you believe in but it is real hope to those who do.

    I have known Brothers to cheat on their wives, abandon their family, give terrible, terrible advice to my loved ones and to judge others in the congregation unfairly. I, also, realize that all on earth are imperfect and not all represent Jehovah's teachings properly and that HE will deal with them in His own time in His own way. Maybe some are still in positions of honor (elders, ministerial servants, etc.), Has it ever occurred to you that Jehovah allows this to help weed out those who choose to stumble over the mistakes of imperfect man? Maybe some elders and MS need their thinking adjusted and have a really whacked way of handling situations. My point is that these are the actions of imperfect people. If we choose to let the naivete' of someone in the congregation stumble us, then we are merely playing into Satan's hands and not relying on Jehovah to bring about justice in HIS OWN TIME.

    "Have you not heard that bad associations spoil useful habits? Or that a little leven ferments the whole lump? Stop touching the unclean thing. Get out of her my people."

    Using your logic, we could apply everything you said about imperfect men and waiting on Jehovah to bring justice in his own time to every other religion on earth, including orthodox Catholicism. You can't have it both ways. Apply the measuring stick that you measure other religions with to your own or apply it to neither.


  • LemzaLady

    Dear Cog,

    I do not dare put myself on an equal plain with God Jehovah, but I DO read his Word the Bible and have made an educated decision that JWs have sought and determined God inspired Bible truth. A feat that no other other religion comes close to (in my opinion, of course).

    If "(a) the Bible is the Word of God and (b) JWs are the only one's who live according to the Bible in a way that makes sense and is not contradictory, then, (c) LemzaLady utilizes her own powers of discernent and recognizes that which Jehovah has blessed is the TRUTH and has decided that is the life for her and her family (and a small crowd of 6mil+).


    PS->Don't hate me because I choose to live in godly Hope hope rather than worldly despair.Rather than boo-hoo and whine over all that is not in my life, my heart turns towards Jehovah and all that will be when the day of his son Jesus does arrive here on earth. For this, I go on. For Jehovah, I seek refuge.

  • rwagoner


    Seeing as it's 4 am where I sit,

    Thats odd......since I'm in New Hampshire and its just after 4am here....

    LemzaLady's post claimed she was in Dallas, TX if recall TX in the Eastern time zone ?

  • LemzaLady

    Poor, poor, RWagoner. I never claimed to reside in Dallas, Texas. THAT was an assumption on your part.

    I live in Dallas, GEORGIA, Sweet Pea. GEORGIA.

    Now, can we let all that is petty end? Huh?

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