my cat died today... i need consoling...

by theinfamousone 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • theinfamousone

    thanks alot guys... lol, funny how much these creatures come to mean to us... i almost took a third day off work in a row, but figured, i needed to try and distract myself.... sleep and my poetry helped a little too... im feeling better, just not looking forward to returning to an empty home... :(

    --the infamous one

  • FlyingHighNow

    It sounds to me like your cat was an angel in cat's clothing. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if animals aren't often guardian angels who look out for us. I've known dogs like this.

  • theinfamousone

    there was something eerily familiar about the way he looked at me... i feel like ive known him before... but hey, maybe thats too spiritual for me... he was special, and always there to show his unconditional love... that cat was more friend than anything else... he was definitely my angel!

    --the infamous one

  • FlyingHighNow

    Too bad you don't live near me, I'd be your friend. I will be anyway. You're the same age as my son Jesse. Hugs, big warm ones to you. Look for a PM. I am going to write you one.

  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Oh infamousone! Your post really hit home with me. Thank you for showing me the strength to let go... I have to do that soon myself.. You are loved on this board you know that. Hugs to you cabs p.s. I saw a tiny bit of Ontario this past week end... your homeland is gorgeous.

  • reneeisorym

    I am so sorry. I can't say that I know how you feel because the only connection I've ever had was to a cat I had for 4 years. I got him from an ad for free kittens in the paper because I felt like I could use some company. I wasn't going to the meetings much and noone would have much to do with me so I felt quite alone.

    At the time my ex-husband was beating me. The cat saw me when I cried and was lonely and would curl up beside me and care for me when noone else would. He would put his little paw on my face .. :) That cat was the only thing that kept my sanity. I remember loosing him once and across the town a family found him and called the number on his tag. He was just always there and cared just for me. His name was Skittles.

    One day I saw my mom's dog kill him before I could get to the fight. I'll spare you the details but I know that was one of the hardest things I've had to deal with.

    My condolences go out to you and I hope you get to feeling better soon. My heart just broke reading your story.

  • Alpheta

    Man, doesn't make any difference if it's a cat, a dog, or a gerbil. It's just damn hard to make that decision to have a beloved pet/companion/friend put down - there's a reason it's called "having your pet put to sleep" you know - because it makes it a little easier, so they think, for us confronted with such a decision to think yeah, that's right, we're just having Jocques/Tasha put to sleep, this isn't about death. Oh, how we love to fool ourselves, but we know what's really going on. Shit yeah, it's hard, but you did the right thing. As hard as it was to take my first Jocques and then a few years later Tasha, into the vet to have the deed done, I know it was the right thing. I think every pet owner knows when that time comes - some just don't want to face it. You were very brave to do so, and you saved your loved one undue pain and suffering. They can't talk to us like humans can, and we still are not sure how much pain they suffer, how much agony they endure, before they just can't get up out of their beds anymore. I sometimes wonder if I waited too long, and I feel guilty about that - about causing my beloved companions more pain and suffering because I was too selfish and cowardly to let them go.

    I've come to the conclusion that we are more HUMANE to our pets than we are in our treatment of ourselves.

    You did the right thing. Don't second guess yourself and don't be "guilted" into feeling other than that you DID do the right thing. You had the guts to do what is right.

  • Alpheta

    Man, doesn't make any difference if it's a cat, a dog, or a gerbil. It's just damn hard to make that decision to have a beloved pet/companion/friend put down - there's a reason it's called "having your pet put to sleep" you know - because it makes it a little easier, so they think, for us confronted with such a decision to think yeah, that's right, we're just having Jocques/Tasha put to sleep, this isn't about death. Oh, how we love to fool ourselves, but we know what's really going on. Shit yeah, it's hard, but you did the right thing. As hard as it was to take my first Jocques and then a few years later Tasha, into the vet to have the deed done, I know it was the right thing. I think every pet owner knows when that time comes - some just don't want to face it. You were very brave to do so, and you saved your loved one undue pain and suffering. They can't talk to us like humans can, and we still are not sure how much pain they suffer, how much agony they endure, before they just can't get up out of their beds anymore. I sometimes wonder if I waited too long, and I feel guilty about that - about causing my beloved companions more pain and suffering because I was too selfish and cowardly to let them go.

    I've come to the conclusion that we are more HUMANE to our pets than we are in our treatment of ourselves.

    You did the right thing. Don't second guess yourself and don't be "guilted" into feeling other than that you DID do the right thing. You had the guts to do what is right.

  • Abandoned


  • bernadette

    Cats have a sixth sense. Your cat loved u with all his being and you loved him your only friend - he knew. Sorry for your loss he has left you a legacy of love, comfort and courage

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