Bush's war on terrorism a failure?

by frankiespeakin 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    My Mil,

    If you had the opportunity to spend any amount of time with the military culture, the soldiers who serve and their families....I have no doubt that you would progress beyond that statement, which is based on ignorance.

    What would spending time with the military culture, have to do with changing my thinking about flag waving and patriotism? I see patriotism as a hinderance to peace, and something that blinds people to support whatever what ever war or conflict thier government gets invovled in. As far as being in the military I could never be a part of it because you are forced to fight even if you don't agree with the what your country is fighting for, I'd never would want to kill somebody just because the government say I have too.

    A patriotic soldier is basically a brain dead robot who will kill because his government tells him to, he has given up his rights to decide and put his trust in the government to tell him who to kill, to me that is being brain dead.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    What would spending time with the military culture, have to do with changing my thinking about flag waving and patriotism? I see patriotism as a hinderance to peace, and something that blinds people to support whatever what ever war or conflict thier government gets invovled in. As far as being in the military I could never be a part of it because you are forced to fight even if you don't agree with the what your country is fighting for, I'd never would want to kill somebody just because the government say I have too.

    A patriotic soldier is basically a brain dead robot who will kill because his government tells him to, he has given up his rights to decide and put his trust in the government to tell him who to kill, to me that is being brain dead.

    I am going to take you and your comments seriously.

    If you spent time with the military culture you would understand how they think, their motivation, what makes them tick. It would challenge your intellectually lazy assertions (most likely formed when you were under the control of the WTS), that you have put absolutely no effort into researching or dispelling.

    The hawks of the Bush admin were those without military experience. The military understands war. The generals are not a bunch of warmongers. Their higher call to duty is not based on political party or loyalty to a particular president.

    You don't need to become a soldier, because there are others who gladly do it for all Americans. You have to do absolutely nothing. But it would be proper for you as a citizen of this country to take the time to learn something about the citizens who defend its borders.

  • frankiespeakin

    My Mil,

    If you spent time with the military culture you would understand how they think, their motivation, what makes them tick. It would challenge your intellectually lazy assertions (most likely formed when you were under the control of the WTS), that you have put absolutely no effort into researching or dispelling.

    If you are in the US military, you are required to fight or kill who your governement sends you to fight or kill, independent thinking is discouraged when it comes to the morality or wrong or rightness of the conflict which the government is invovled in. I prefere not to be a fighting robot programed by the government. I don't think me making such statement requires a lot of research for it to be true.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    If you are in the US military, you are required to fight or kill who your governement sends you to fight or kill, independent thinking is discouraged when it comes to the morality or wrong or rightness of the conflict which the government is invovled in. I prefere not to be a fighting robot programed by the government. I don't think me making such statement requires a lot of research for it to be true.

    You are only talking about you. You are not being asked to join the military. It is currently a volunteer force. You devoted a great deal of your life to what you felt was a higher goal or duty. You are understandably pissed off about how that turned out. It is possible however that other people can have what they believe is a higher call of duty...one that we may not prefer for ourselves....but we can show them the proper respect for their decision and not denegrate it because we don't understand it. The coast guard is military. I'm sure you couldn't help but feel a little something when they single handedly rescued thousands after Katrina.

  • rwagoner

    The coast guard is military. I'm sure you couldn't help but feel a little something when they single handedly rescued thousands after Katrina.

    Waiting for the preditable anti-military, anti-American response......they probably should have been rescuing illegals seeking a better life on my tax dollar in a Country they dispise....or maybe escorting drug smugglers into the US instead of capturing them.

  • jayhawk1
    Name one major act of terrorism in the United States since 9/11, then ask me that question. I don't agree with being in Iraq, but I will not agree that we have not done something to slow the terrorist down.

    School shootings?

  • free2beme
    School shootings?

    This is something that has been happening since the 1990's. I would not class this as terrorism, as much as say Oklahoma and 9/11. They often did these School shootings because of mental problems with how they were treated by students, or teachers. It was more of premeditated murder. In which they knew the people, or at least had social interaction with the people, before they committed the crime. Terrorism, is when you attack indiscriminately on people who have no connection to you, only to make a point. School shootings, that is just not the same thing and I think most people who realize the difference would agree with me.

  • rwagoner

    School shootings?

    Oh Puleeeeeez... LOL

    Thats like saying liquor store robberies.

  • free2beme
  • frankiespeakin


    It is possible however that other people can have what they believe is a higher call of duty...one that we may not prefer for ourselves....but we can show them the proper respect for their decision and not denegrate it because we don't understand it. The coast guard is military. I'm sure you couldn't help but feel a little something when they single handedly rescued thousands after Katrina.

    I would never want to be in a position where the US government tells me who to kill or bomb, and I have to blindly obey with no moral judgement of my own. If that denegrates those that have made the decision to join the military and allow the US government tell them who to kill or bomb tough cookies. I would never want to subject myself to that form of mind control. To me it is bad enough that the US government extorts taxes from me to pay for the manufacture weapons of mass destruction.

    Because the coast guard is considered part of the military, and preforms some benificial services, hardly recomends those joining the US military as following some higher call, to me it is just propaganda designed to encourage support for the US war machine just like the slogans to serve God and Country, or the often repeated propaganda found in song "God Bless America Land of the Free". It is all bull shit.

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