The new CO and an elder came to see me today!

by GoingGoingGone 46 Replies latest members private

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It sounds like you handled that very well GGG, they'll maybe leave you alone for a while now.

  • M.J.

    Great going, GGG. I was a little nervous when I saw the title of the thread but looks like you have it all under control!

  • freedomloverr


    isn't it wonderful to feel like the stronger person when you are talking to jw's? last time I had to be around them I felt the same way - powerful, and strong. it was amazing. you did awesome with that!

  • quixote


    Good for you. I can only hope I am as level headed as you if one day I get the visit.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Nice peaceful non-confrontational meeting. Good job G3. How come I never do it that way? I always stir the flames.

  • GoingGoingGone

    Thanks for all the replies!

    Parakeet said:

    I feel so sorry for those who are still afraid of the elders and feel they "owe" them a long, well-thought-out speech or letter explaining why they don't want to attend meetings any more.

    I agree... and it's so programmed into us that it's just an automatic response. The interesting thing about yesterday's meeting was that MY automatic response NOW is that I don't owe them a thing... if they ask me something I don't want to tell them, then I don't tell them. And I don't feel guilty about it either! I was plesantly surprised when I realized that!

    Blondie said:

    When they brought up stumbling, you countered with a positive response. They didn't know where to go with the line of thought.

    So true! I'm happy, I like everyone, and I don't feel neglected by Jehovah... they're stumped!

    Wasanelder once said:

    You know that once they left they engaged in "Confidential" talk about what's really wrong and bothering you.

    I was afraid that my husband would go to the meeting last night and be confronted by the CO about what my 'problem' really is.. but he came home in a good mood, so guess that didn't happen! There is an elders meeting with the CO tonight, though, so who knows. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

    OnTheWayOut said:

    Nice peaceful non-confrontational meeting. Good job G3. How come I never do it that way? I always stir the flames

    I am pretty non-confrontational anyway, but with the JWs I'm even more so... Positive and non-confrontational. The JWs are sooooo negative all the time, it drives me crazy! Every little thing wrong in the world is pounced upon as proof that the end is just around the corner... Since I started fading, I've made a point of finding the good and positive and loving things in the world and pointing them out to my husband and family. I don't know if it's helping them in any way, but it sure helps my own state of mind. GGG

  • Warlock



  • LeslieV

    You did a great job, and handled yourself well.


  • bythesea

    Excellent GGG!!!! We faders can learn a lot from you!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    you have encouraged me. Our names are very similar. You are GoingGoingGoing and I am OnTheWayOut. That puts us in the same direction. You are further along in fading, but I am on the rapid avalanche of a fade. I think, from what I have learned here on the JWD, I can just ease up on the avalanche approach now. I have already learned to be non-confrontational, now I will actually apply that lesson. I already know that "winning" arguments with JW's on doctrine is useless. Now I will stop contributing to the argument. I won't agree with things that are wrong, but I won't necessarily point to them, either. I will point to things for my wife and close friends to look at, but in the congregation, just keep fading- never sorry that I didn't try to confront them. For the most part, I will just say "No, thanks" to meetings with the elders to help me. Thanks for the encouragement today.

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