The new CO and an elder came to see me today!

by GoingGoingGone 46 Replies latest members private


    The CO is glad the visit went so smoothly. He can tell the Elders how easy it is to shepherd.


  • Abandoned

    The CO is glad the visit went so smoothly. He can tell the Elders how easy it is to shepherd.

    ROFL!!! This works on soooooooo many levels. :-)


    GGG..Good thread..You Rocked!..It`s also a good idea for anyone else who has these Bozo`s on thier back...OUTLAW

  • moshe

    You played them like a fiddle- bravo!

  • Justice-One

    Did better than I would have. I think I would have been sorely tempted to tell them to sit on a pole and rotate.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Excellent, GGG!! They're're happy.....what more could one ask for?

  • GoingGoingGone

    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    Well tonight the last hurdle.... the elders' meeting with the CO. I was afraid the CO would pull my husband aside and tell him that he needs to get me back to meetings or whatever (and who knows, maybe he was pulled aside). He came home over an hour later than he'd said he would, but in a fairly good mood.

    At this point it's all about respect. If he can treat me with respect, even though I'm not an active JW anymore (and he knows full well the reasons why), that's all I ask for now. I want him to leave the WT so badly. But after the last two years of me fading and the toll it's taken on our marriage, I'll settle for peace in our house and respect shown for each other. At least for now.


  • lfcviking

    There is a 'DO' a District Overseer aswell, if you like he is one above the 'CO' who is above the 'PO'

  • Nellie

    GGG - If you really feel like you can make this work with your husband, then what you did is totally understandable. If the handwriting's on the wall that you two aren't going to be able to make it, then you need to stop the charade and tell them "no" to future meeting requests.

  • willyloman

    I missed this excellent post the first time around, but wanted to chime in and say "well done!"

    Losing the fear is the most important and biggest step on your journey. It's when you first realize that YOU hold the moral high ground, that THEY are the losers in this transaction, that you move into the light of freedom. I love how you made it clear to them that they (the elders) are totally irrelevant to your health, your spirituality and your life, without coming right out and saying it. They got the message, though.

    It's people like you that elders go to great lengths to avoid. I know, because I was an elder for 25 years. Someone so at peace with her decision is unsettling to them. Once they start to wonder what you've got that they haven't got (emotionally), the wise course becomes avoidance. And avoid you, they will. There are exceptions, of course, but judging from your husband's demeanor they have taken their shot at you and decided to just not go there.

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