The new CO and an elder came to see me today!

by GoingGoingGone 46 Replies latest members private

  • stillajwexelder

    Dont you just love Theocratic Warfare Strategy

  • jgnat

    BTTT for good measure.

  • LouBelle

    good "flying below the radar" skillz

  • tan

    Enjoyed your "example". Excellent!!! You're right when you regain your power they are useless...

    Have you ever looked at the sermons the WTS "suggests" JWs use at the door? They all set up a situation about something negative and try and get you to agree.

    They do that at judicial committee meetings too. Wait for your confession. A lot of time they don't have a clue. We give ourselves away.

  • BizzyBee

    Smart cookie, GGG!

    I played it basically the same way, faded and escaped either DF or DA.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Ok silly me started reading this thread from the beginning not even noticing the date the thread was started! Then I come to page 2 and see a post from fullofdoubtnow and thought "holy shit" has she come back to life, WTF?

    You guys got me again, I guess I should start checking the date of the original post, huh? Thank jgnat for waking me up!


  • Am ha·’a'ret
    Am ha·’a'ret
    Have you ever looked at the sermons the WTS "suggests" JWs use at the door? They all set up a situation about something negative and try and get you to agree.

    So true! Was just looking at the back of the latest 2 Kingdom Ministries and all the suggested presentations start with "Don't you agree that the state of marriage/children/the world/pollution/old people/etc is bad and getting worse?" Householder nods in agreement (and feels depressed until...!)Then pub says what the solution to this is. But they are all about getting people to agree with a negative statement and going from there. Can't believe I never say that tactic til now!! It really plays on people's negative tendancies and keeps them feeling that they have nothing without the kingdom and the only way to get there is by holding on to the wheels of the org which change direction perpetually.

    But thankfully I've learned how to counteract that ploy with saying something along the lines of what recent posts have suggested POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITVE and then they won't know how to process my answer and will go and not return.

    We'll see what happens...

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