Do you hate Jehovah's Witnesses?

by The wanderer 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled


    I don't hate them, I hate the attitudes, the message, the behaivor and finally, the be all end all so called governing body living in a their bubble in brooklyn.


  • truthsetsonefree

    As others have already said, I too hate the concepts, not the people. The people are abused and mistreated. tsof

  • mama1119

    It would be hard to hate a whole group of people. I do not agree with what they believe, but they don't deserve to be hated, any more than any other religion or group. There are some within the borg that I cannot stand, but would not wish ill will on them. I more feel sorry for the group than anything. They are mislead, and alot of them have no clue there is any other way of life.

    I know there are alot of people on this board who are very negative and hateful twords the dubs, but alot of them have been treated terribly, and have lost family, been shunned, compared to dead, abused etc. I feel they have every right to harbor negative emotions. Granted, it is up to them to work through and past it, but I think it is understandable.

  • skyking

    Hate the BORG not the people.

  • Junction-Guy

    I have known many kind people in the JW's, very few people ever treated me badly, but I still hate the WT Society for its lies, its manipulations, and for the way children are treated.

    I wish only peace and happiness for Jehovah's Witness people, I wish nothing but destruction and foreclosure for the WT Society.

  • free2beme

    Not in the least. They were doing what I felt they felt they needed too. Made mistakes, not different then any other religion. So I do not hate them.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    No. I only hate what the organization teaches and practices and stands for.

  • parakeet

    No. If I hated them, I'd want to see all of them die in a horrible, worldwide, cataclysmic event "real soon now."

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I do not hate them; I hate the way that the JW organization sucks its members' minds and hearts away. I wish it ever-lasting destruction. I rebuke it, reprimand it, disabuse it, disallow it, dislike it, detest it. I hate what they do to each other and to themselves as individuals and as an organization; I do not hate them. I hate their activities as representatives of a mind-control organization. I feel deeply, profoundly enraged by the devastation and emptiness that the exploitive Watchtower Bible And Tract Society has caused me and my loved ones. It is a hateful, greedy, damaging organization, mostly run by brainwashed and brainwashing people who desperately need purpose and who lack love and fulfillment, and who are filled with fear, shame and self-loathing that they project onto all outsiders. How can I hate them? They are the walking wounded, trying to save others because it hurts too much to look into the void of their own lives.

  • frankiespeakin

    I do not hate JWs or the men who run the WT, they are all deluded and wasting thier life following some blood thirsty god that needs to be worshipped or else.

    I would like to deprogram them all, I would like it to be as painless as possible for everyone to come to a better understanding of how wrong they are. I don't like to feel anger at anything or anyone, because anger usually makes one act insane, or atleast not at thier optimum brain and thinking performance, which usually creates more suffering that is unnessarry.

    I think reasoning that everyone is a victim of genetic disposition, manipulation, and we all have a measure of ignorance, that make us prone to do what we do in the world, helps me not take offence very easily.

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