I've gone a week without smoking!

by fullofdoubtnow 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Thankyou everyone for all your encouragement.

    I've been ok today, probably because of the patches. I'm not sure how it will be when I stop using them, but I'll try and cross that bridge when I come to it. As Trev said to me earlier, before I went to see my mum (who is recovering steadily), every day without cigs is an individual victory, so I've "won" for the last 8 days so far.

    I am feeling much more optimistic this time, partly because of the patches and partly because Trev has, so far, been successful in quitting. I think on the previous couple of occasions, I really didn't totally believe I could do it either time, but this time I do. If I do fall off the wagon, I will need to get back on it as soon as I can, instead of giving in to the cravings like I did before.

  • crazyblondeb

    Good for you, Linda!! I have got to quit too!! But, I've been using stress as a crutch!! Maybe now, since you are doing it, I might join you!!


  • fullofdoubtnow
    I've been using stress as a crutch

    Me too, CBD. I've been looking for, and finding, excuses not to quit for months, and it's so easy to do that, but I guess I finally ran out of excuses. Good luck for when you have a go.

  • oldflame

    Keep up the good work but I will tell you, it is soooooo easy to start again. I quit for two years and then dated someone that smoked. wrong thing to do because I started again.

  • lv4fer

    Good for you. It is the best present you could ever give yourself. I work in the Cath Lab at a Hospital and see every day, first hand how bad smoking is for your arteries. I wish you luck!

  • mama1119

    Congrats!!! One step at a time!! My husband quit cold turkey and said it was the hardest thing he had to do, so I applaud you!!


    Linda..Good for you!..Well done!..It`s not easy..My friends and family have tried,some succeded,some are still trying..Don`t give up,you`ve got a good start...OUTLAW

  • parakeet

    I imagine the stress of your mom's illness and Trev's recent emergency did not make it any easier to keep away from the cigs, so extra kudos to you. BTW, how is Trev doing? still OK?

    I've never smoked, but I sympathize with smokers who are trying to quit. I wish there was a patch to help control snack cravings.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Thanks everyone, I'm doing well so far, but there's a long way to go yet, keep your fingers crossed for me please.

    Parakeet: Trev is ok, thanks. He's been told to take a rest from work by his doctor, which he's going to do. He has a note for 6 weeks, and him being off will ease the pressure on me, as he can look after things at home while I help with my mum's care.

  • jaguarbass

    Good luck Linda, just quit one day at a time.

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