Why am I paralyzed with fear?

by AuldSoul 44 Replies latest members private

  • Thegoodgirl

    Big hug, Auld Soul. You have plenty of friends here who appreciate and beleive in you. After all that you've been through, I know it's built more character than you had before. You have more skills now to do what you need to do at this point in your life. We are all behind you!!!

  • BizzyBee
    You have to sit yourself down and be able to face yourself and tell yourself you will always be on your own side and that you will never abandon yourself again, no matter the stakes.

    Excellent, deep and true.

  • jgnat

    How do you break it? By looking away.

    Instead of concentrating on your disability, concentrate on what you CAN do. I don't care if you break it down in to fifteen minute intervals, make incremental changes towards your goal. Even if it means putting on one sock at a time.

    After a while, this will be you:

  • proplog2

    You will always experience fear because you are a creative/possibility thinker.

    That's the way you are. Tough shit. It's the curse of your gifts. It's the other side of the coin. You are only happy when your are jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    You will never overcome your fears. You need a project that will structure your life for at least 5 years. But be ready for that fear to set in again when the project is completed.

    Panic attacks and anxiety attacks most likely have a neurological matrix to them. Drugs help. Relaxation/meditation helps. Visualization exercises help.

    You can control anxiety. But the generalized fear that a creative person faces has no cure. It will always drive you to find something that will engage your whole being.

    Your fear is pregnant with possibilities. Just make sure you pick a project that is worthy of your time.

  • proplog2

    Talk to Farkel

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You are only 34 and I am learning lots from reading your posts

    You are doing a very valuable service for me and I thank you very much.

    The fear will go away as you learn.... as it has for for me.

    Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear AuldSoul,

    I sincerely feel empathy for you, as do all your JWD friends offering support, concern and helpful advice. My seventh-grade teacher described me as a "worry wart" so I know whereof I speak when it's a question of my own paralyzing fears. While not a solution of itself, often a simple thought expressed can have an unexpectedly beneficial effect. Case in point: Doug Hastings, whom I consider the real hero of the movie STRICTLY BALLROOM exclaims to his son Scott at the story's turning point, "We lived our lives in fear!" Doug was referencing his and his wife Shirley's being in the thrall of authoritarian dance corporation leaders, who told them "no new steps" and if you don't 'mind your pint and quarts,' you'll lose your job! Being in an identical situation---most of my clients are JW's---I had to use radical "psychological surgery" to get fear of the WT/potential shunning out of my daily existence. I'm rather succeeding, but not without great effort and the refusal to go back to my many years of suicidal-depression. I recently mentioned in my post---Persecution Begins on Monday---that you, among others, have made comments very useful in my recovery. The dark cloud will lift, but until it does, please remember that, as under_believer counseled, professional help does work and could be of benefit to you. It helped me. Peace and love,


  • trevor


    Having read many of your posts it seems that the problem is caused by the way your mind works. You have an analytical mind.

    Everything has to add up and be sorted neatly into the right compartments. You find it difficult to let go and walk away from an argument. This intensity is applied to every challenge that confronts you.

    You need to stop using your mind in such an intense way - all the time. You must treat your high power mind like a motor and not leave it running all the time. Learn to switch it off completely while still being fully conscious.

  • sass_my_frass
  • Gill

    There is nothing to fear except fear itself.

    You can decide how you want to feel.

    No matter what bad things have happened in the past, you can decide how you will react and how you will feel about them.

    Decide to feel good. Decide to feel happy.

    Realise that YOU are in charge and NOT anyone else.

    Feel that peace and control as you realise that YOU and only YOU can decide what YOU do and what YOU feel.

    That is the beginnings of Peace that lives inside us all.

    That is the beginnings of Freedom.

    That is the ONLY Truth that matters.

    If you have thought about these words for a few minutes and began to FEEL them, you are the beginnings of the end of Fear.

    There is NOTHING to fear but fear itself.

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