Do You Really "Care" If Someone's Gay Or Not???

by minimus 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly

    I don't care if anyone is gay and if a couple who happens to be gay wants to get married who am I to tell them no?
    I support anyone who wants to marry, I just don't care to get married myself ;-)

  • misguided

    Absolutely NOT!!

    This summer I had the priviledge of meeting again someone I grew up with (in JW) who is now gay. Both of us are now DF'd. It's been almost 20 years, but we're still the same people.

    I met his parter. It was great. If I could only figure out to post pics...I'd show you our reunion...any help???


  • FreeGirl2006

    I really don't care. One of my gay friends is the most spiritual person I ever met and he deeply loves his partner. If he wanted to marry him, go to. I personally think marriage is a union to be avoided at all costs, but whatever floats your boat.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My oldest grandson's Godmothers are gay. I have asked them to also be his younger brother's Godmothers when he is baptized on the 5th of Nov. Our priest is a gay woman. Best person of the cloth I've ever met, and I've met a lot of good ones.

  • lighthouse19something

    Hey, more gay men just mean more women to go around. Gay women I guess balance the numbers out. I met some lesbian women I considered hot, but most of them I didn't find actractive anyway. Gay men don't bother me if they leave me alone. If a gay woman hits on my wife, I react the same as if a man was trying to take her away.

  • becca1

    I've never cared one way or another.

  • Alpheta

    If one believes in equal rights for all as expressed in the U.S. Constitution, then yes, an adult person should not be prohibited by law from marrying another adult person just because of them being two men or two women. It is hypocritical to say that all people are equal under the law when some people are more "equal" than others when they want to marry each other. It wasn't THAT long ago, history wise, that some people were making the SAME KIND OF ARGUMENT about blacks being somehow less than human and therefore not deserving of being covered by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. That kind of logic reminds me of the hypocricy rampant in the WTBTS and I rejected all of that crap when I DA'd from the org.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Of course gay people should be allowed to marry. Why should straight people be the only ones to suffer???


  • Dawn


    As soon as I become perfect I may feel more comfortable judging others - until then, I'll work on my own many many issues

  • Rabbit

    Someone being homosexual in any way including getting marrying -- does not affect me and my marriage in anyway. I would, however be a happier person, if I did not see the prejudice, hatred and pain suffered by others for simply knowing their own mind on the matter -- and acting on it.


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