do you agree with this statement by the org?

by PaNiCAtTaCk 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Your Bible-based conscience tells you that you are spiritually weak if you do not:

    comment at every meeting, attend all meetings, get 10 hours or more in FS every month,
    avoid having children or getting married, support one family member in the pioneer work,
    reach out for privileges extra work in the congregation, avoid overtime, skip college.

    Why did I get so fired up by that statement?

  • Arthur

    It reminds me of Richard Nixon's famous press conference when he kept emphasizing to everyone that he wasn't a crook.

  • AudeSapere

    That's nice. They added a comic page to their website.


  • OnTheWayOut
    traditions that contradict Bible teachings

    Don't eat the bread, don't sip the wine.

    Study for six months, then if they aren't going to the Hall, drop them.

    Predict the end, then say you didn't. *The biggest tradition of all.

    Focus on the God of the OT as a Christian, not Jesus.

    Slip the Circuit Overseer money (you received freely, give freely)

  • JWdaughter

    an involuntary chuckle escaped my lips as an indelicate snork quickly followed.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    .....avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures

    Are you trying to make me spew my coffee all over my laptop?

    Shame on you



  • jaguarbass

    In their crazy world, thats the way they see it. I'm glad they got their world and I got mine.

  • Mary
    Conscience Jehovah's Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures, and they do not follow traditions that contradict Bible teachings. Emphasis is placed on personal application of Bible principles and the value of a sound, Bible-based conscience.—Matthew 15:9; 2 Corinthians 1:24. the Organization participating in April Fool's Day now? What a load of crap. The WTS has got more man made rules and regulations that the Pharisees, Catholics and Muslims combined.

  • blondie

    Another example of the WTS speaking out of both sides of their mouth:

    *** w96 9/1 p. 20 par. 3 Living by the Law of the Christ ***

    Indeed, Christians are obligated to observe all commands in the Bible that are directed to followers of Christ. And there is more. Jehovah’s organization, as well as individual congregations, has to establish necessary rules and procedures in order to preserve good order. (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40) Why, Christians could not even meet together if they had no rules as to when, where, and how to hold such meetings! (Hebrews 10:24, 25) Cooperating with reasonable guidelines laid down by those given authority in the organization is also a part of fulfilling the law of the Christ.—Hebrews 13:17.


    Nonetheless, true Christians do not allow their worship to become a meaningless structure of laws. They do not serve Jehovah merely because some individual or organization tells them to do so. Rather, the driving force behind their worship is love.

    and yet again

    So all Christians should be careful not to add to the burdens of others by taking it upon themselves to impose their own ideas in matters of personal choice. At times, some write to the Watch Tower Society asking for rulings on such matters as what view they should have of specific films, books, and even toys. Yet, the Society is not authorized to scrutinize such things and to issue judgments on them. In most cases, these are matters that each individual or family head should decide, based on his love of Bible principles. Others tend to turn the Society’s suggestions and guidelines into rules. For example, in the March 15, 1996, issue of TheWatchtower, there was a fine article encouraging elders to make regular shepherding calls on congregation members. Was the purpose to establish rules? No. Although those who are able to follow the suggestions find many benefits, some elders are not in a position to do so. Similarly, the article "Questions From Readers" in the April 1, 1995, issue of TheWatchtower cautioned against detracting from the dignity of the occasion of baptism by going to extremes, such as wild partying or staging victory parades. Some have carried this mature counsel to extremes, even making a rule that sending an encouraging card on this occasion would be wrong!

    (found while searching for the above:

    *** w94 7/1 p. 27 par. 14 Joyful Submission to Authority ***

    If, for example, they make comparisons, commending those who have reached or exceeded the congregation’s average in hours spent witnessing and by implication criticizing those who did not attain it, how will those feel who may have had a valid reason for reporting much less time? Could this not make them feel unnecessarily guilty and deprive them of their joy?
  • Mary

    Excellent points Blondie..... Aren't there over a thousand rules and regulations for when someone goes to Bethel?

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