Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Because of Islam I have a very good friend.

    He is a Christian pastor from Iran who arrived in America after a harrowing 4 day journey from his homeland. He is separated from his parents, sister and the 3 congregations he pastored because he refused to renounce his faith in Jesus.

    Is that positive enough for ya?

  • Sunspot


    I am positive that I don't know enough about it OR its teachings, to give an opinion!


  • Butters

    Real true traditional Islamic beliefs are actually quite sacred and non violent. One can compare a modern Muslim with a Christian Marine Soldier, in that both are quite skilled at killing for religion.

  • freetosee

    It's good to be positive!

    I could say many good things about the people who follow Islam, but the same would apply to others. Many Moslems are moderate and open minded and we need to be careful not to see them all as potential terrorists. Islam is just as bad as other religions IMO, what people make out of it is another story.


  • freefly

    Do you know about i-j-t-i-h-a-d ?

    Not Jihad but Ijtihad ........


    is the Islamic tradition of independent reasoning which allows every Muslim, to update religious practice in light of contemporary circumstances. The spirit of inquiry animated Islam's golden age, (750-1250 C.E.) In Iraq, the heart of the Islamic empire, Christians worked alongside Muslims to translate and revive Greek philosopy. In Spain, with western rim of Islam's reach, Muslims developed what a Yale historian calls a "culture of tolerance" with Jews. Together, all of these communities gave us the precursor to globalization. Muslims traded vigorously with non-Muslims, pioneering a system by which checks could be prepared in Morocco and cashed in Syria.

    It was in Baghdad that a ninth-century caliph, al-Mamun, constructed the so called House of Wisdom- the first institution of higher learning in the Islamic and Western world....but competitive Coroba wouldn't be outdone as a crucible of ideas; it became home to seventy libraries.....(one for every virgin today's Muslim martyrs believe they're pledged)

    above quoted from "The trouble with Islam Today" Irshad Manji


  • carla

    You could say the same things people say about dubs, 'they are sincere'. As if that makes everything ok.

  • stealyourface

    Since it's inception, Islam has offered kaffir's the opportunity to convert, pay jizya and live a second class existance as a dhimmi, or die at the point of a sword. Oh yeah, they practive taquiah (theocratic warfare). What a wonderful culture!

  • Stephanus

    Burkhas are the new black.


    I don`t know much about them but I have made some observations..They belch after a good meal,dress the women like camping tents and ride camels...OUTLAW

  • Clam

    No need for cruddy passport photographs

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