Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • chiddy

    Beauty, courage , strength , ? Yeah ok ............. If you say so LMAO

  • lawrence

    "Small minded westerners." That was real nice. Obviously your new found faith has taught you what - tolerance? Go ask the epileptic gigolo about life and you'll do just great!

  • eyeslice

    My take on this -

    Christianity has been full of violence right up till the last century - just think about WW1 and 2. Prior to that the history of Christian was full of blood, the Crusades, etc.

    Islam still seems to be in its Dark Ages but somehow I don't think it will be centuries before Islam 'grows up'.


  • chiddy

    I sense something Trollish from Esayshi why would a Worshipper of Mo-hammed (They don't like that) Muslim be posting on a site like this?

  • hambeak

    I am also a state inspector for vehicle safety and emmissions for the state of Tx I had an islamic fellow that when informed his car failed he called me a "stinking infidel and deserved to die" I really can't think of anything positive about any fanatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they blow themselves up?

  • chiddy

    Real good for Womens rights as well .

  • easyshi

    Don't be so paranoid Chiddy. I thought this was an open forum... Scared of the unknown? Open up that closet door---BOO! Don't worry I'm not one of the Elders or the WTS, I can't hurt you. I still haven't got anything other than a lot infinitile one liners to my original post on the subject. Maybe the New World Translation had more mind control over you than you thought. This subject was almost dead until I posted, aren't guys glad you've got something else to talk about other than how much you were wronged by the "DUBS"? The intelligence level has led me to believe that this sight must've been founded by Bush..Can't we all just get along...BOO!!! (LOL)

  • easyshi

    Hambeak, Being from Texas, I would be surprised if you could think of something intelligent--emissions kill brain cells, did they tell you that when you took that job...

  • chiddy

    If you want to throw tit for tat judgements ok . My wife is a Bhudist,

  • easyshi

    That's Great!! Is it difficult for her to practice her faith? Are you non-believer? Is it hard for you guys to co-exist?

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