Lets say something positive about Islam!

by eyeslice 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    Eashshi in response to your last post YES THE USA WAS ATTACKED AND SANCTIONED BY A ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT AFGHANISTAN remember 9/11? As I recall news casts from the middle eastern countries were rejoicing in the streets. Also if factions of radical islam had nuclear materials they would certainly use them. As for me if I were in one of those countries I would be executed because of my lifestyle as you see I am gay. You mentioned klansmen I agree they do not represent white people they are evil ilk. Now I have a thought for you to ponder Not all muslims are terrorists but it seems all the terrorists have been muslims. That is the reason the western world majority are suspicious of the Islamic religion because it demand total mindless obedience.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Would Islam take over the west if they had all of the bombs? Maybe, but I don't know if the manufacturers of the bombs and planes and weapons would sell them to the Muslims, unless of course they agreed to use them on who we told them to.

    That was my point. You were the one that brought up how everyone else except the Muslins caused all the major wars for the last 100 years. The point I made and you confirm is that the Muslin countries would if they had the power. They can't and won't become superpowers because they lack the intelligence and cohesiveness to come together as one group.

    I must repeat, in my "OPINION", the as a whole Muslims don't hate the west, they hate invaders from the west.

    This not require a brain surgeon to figure out. You may go one step further and say that most of the world and many Europeans and especially Germans (I've spent much time there as a civilian contractor with the US Army), disapprove of our President but like Americans as a whole. Unfortunately moderate Muslims do not run Muslim countries, nor are they likely to in the future.

    I will close with naming a few countries (not groups) that we now deal with and I want you to tell me which one came to the west with armed forces and attacked initiating a war with us:

    Syria, Jordan and Egypt attacked Israel, unfortunately for them their ineptness prevented them from succeeding. Israel is a country of less than 10M surrounded by Arab countries consisting of 225M people.

    The US had to step in and liberate Kuwait because the Muslim countries in the area could not stand up to Saddam.

    The Muslim countries are weak militarily, lack intelligence and unity. If they could they would take over the world. I am gald to see that you don't fight me on this assertion. I'm glad you don't present yourself as a moderate.

    You mentioned the leader of Pakistan as being a bad person

    I never called him a bad person, I merely noted that most Muslim countries are run by former military generals who have taken power by force or fundamentalist regimes, and that this pattern is unlikely to change.

    My point on the man from Texas was this, don't judge an entire religion or people by a limited encounter

    First of all you ridiculed him. You called someone else a "small minded westerner". You went on to say that Bush and a few million Christians have wreaked havoc on the world. Who is judging an entire religion?

    I will close now, it is time for prayer

    Maybe you should pray for a conscience and some gonads. You shift from Islam to warmongering and insulting the religion, country and fellow Americans that you were brought up among. To hear someone like this use the expression "small minded westerner" tells me that you have neither the gonads to stand up for what you really believe in or the realization that you would be quickly dismissed as a total wannabe in a fundamentalist Muslim country.

  • easyshi

    Hi Hambeak,

    Good to hear from you this morning! I'll just say Timothy McVeigh, George Bush, Tony Blair, and if you check the whole beginning of the State of Israel the entire group with Begin &Ben Gurian. Or we can go to Ireland, and find many so-called terrorists there (not many Muslims in that group). Terror is not exclusivre to Islam. Terror is mainly used by those with inferior weaponry and resources, and it is the tactic that seems to work best against well organized and well equipped forces. I almost forgot, didn't those great Revolutionary War fighters of the orginal 13 colonies use terror tactics to help to run the British out of the US? And if Afghanistan was the perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks what the heck are we doing in Iraq? I know, we are making the world safe for our western form of democracy, also known as Nation Building. Isn't that the same thing as what we are afraid the Muslims would do, convert the world to there way of thinking by using force? I must also ask the question what is more terrifying; a suicide bomber, a cruise missle fired from thousands of miles away, a stealth bomber hiding in the clouds, a B-52 full of cluster bombs, radioactive tipped artillery shells, Scud missles, hateful speech, idle threats, Islam itself, the DUB's. If you can, in your own mind rank them by what would terrify you the most you the most (1-10).

  • dido

    Question- why is America the most hated nation in the world? Bush and Blair have played their part, inviting terrorism.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Question- why is America the most hated nation in the world?

    America is not the most hated nation in the world. Bush is probably the most hated person in America, but any intelligent person outside the states does not link one with the other.

  • dido

    America is the most hated nation. they have caused so many wars, i can`t remember the exact no, but after the argentina war, there were about 80 if i can remember rightly. (long time since i looked up the no`s, maybe someone can enlighten me) They bully the world, if they want something, they think they can walk in and take it.

  • easyshi

    You sound like a war monger, my question was did they attack the US? Now just by coincidence all of the war equipment and superior war equipment in Isreal has made in USA on it, then maybe it like attacking the US. I'm glad that the Muslims have not squandered all of the resources on the making of war, that strategy is now turning the US and Britain into debtor nations, it is killing and maiming the fine young dedicated citizens, it is causing great division inside the countries and of course it will draining the resources of the nation for many years to care for war wounded, and of course it is creating the main thing that you fear, more terrorists. More bombs will not make people safe, the US has the most bombs, the most powerful bombs, has been dropping them in Iraq for almost 4 years, longer than WWII and it seems like we are more afraid than ever, and are further away from peace than ever, quite a paradox I would say...

  • dido

    Thayt is the view of most English people i know. Blair is just as bad, they go hand in hand, not that i agree with the moslem terrorism, far from it, i abhor any kind of terrorism, from whatever source.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    You sound like a war monger

    You sound like a wannabe.

    Totally for going into Afghanistan with the initial intent before troops were diverted to Iraq.

    Actually I was totally opposed to George W invading a soverign nation (Iraq). (I believe it was against the priciples of the US constitution)

    I've always preferred and voted for presidents who were skilled at foreign policy and diplomacy like Reagan. Never voted for Bush.

    You are the one who shifted to the subject of war and mixing all the religions other than Islam into the mix. Muslim nations have caused and will continue to cause wars just like non-Muslim nations.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    I'm glad that the Muslims have not squandered all of the resources on the making of war,

    Which Muslim countries are those? Iran? Pakistan? Iraq? Any Muslim country capable of having an Army has spent plenty on their military.

    Saddam had visions of becoming the modern day Saladin. You sound as if the Muslims countries sit around and sing Kum BaYa.

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