Any trouble for faders going back and forth; JWD and the KH

by OnTheWayOut 25 Replies latest jw friends


    LOL!!Ian..What a nice picture that is!..Your as cute as a button!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Dansk

    Hey Outy, (((((Hugs))))),

    PM me your e-mail address and I'll send you some more!


  • slimboyfat

    I have decided any mention of Franz at the meetings is a bad idea, in case I get the wrong one.


  • RubaDub

    I must remind myself not to wear my "I'm a Jedi Master" t-shirt to gatherings.

    Rub a Dub

  • Bodhisattva1320
    don't give a hoot! Let the beggars know who we are!!

    <--------------------------That's my real picture and I'm from the Whitefield, Manchester, England Congregation! My name is Ian Hinze (pronounced Hintse).

    Fear is only powerful when you allow it to be used against you! (Bloody 'ell, did I just say that?!)


    Cheers to THAT Ian!!!!!!!


    (((Ian)))..Are they the pics you`ve been saving for Brad Pitt?..

  • whyizit


    If any of you want to bring up a question that you know they don't have a good answer for, just have me ask you, then you can tell them that a "worldly person" you were trying to witness to asked you "such and such" (so you would not be lying), and you just didn't know how to answer. Then you could ask them what their response would have been in the same situation! The pressure is off you. And on them! :0)

    But you HAVE to let me know what happens!

  • OnTheWayOut
    (so you would not be lying)

    Thanks Whyizit. I don't think many people here are having morality issues with lying to the greatest liars of all, WTS and it's congregations.

    This is a spiritual warfare, after all, they don't deserve the truth.

    Still your offer is a good one.

    just have me ask you , then you can tell them that a "worldly person" you were trying to witness to asked you "such and such"

    That would allow us to have knowledge that we shouldn't have unless we were researching apostasy. "WE were not looking for apostate information, but a householder we were preaching to told us...." Good thought.

  • Tristram
    4. Wanting to get too specific on the JWD about personal information that others might
    try to clue in on to pinpoint who or where you are located (for paranoid posters like myself).

    That's me to a "T". My posts are vague to a fault to avoid giving away anything about me that might be picked up on by a sinister lurker. I have said previously that I am an active JW, but beyond that I keep mum. Status in congregation, marital status, area of the world, etc. I keep to myself. Maybe, maybe someday...

  • sf
    Fear is only powerful when you allow it to be used against you!

    Precisely. Someone gets it, finally.

    "They don't deserve the truth"

    You can't be serious. They all deserve to know truth. Just as all of you who come here, in secret, to gain truth are deserving. Why would the flock that is deeply cared about not deserving of truth that you freely gain here?


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