evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • ringo5

    Here we go around and around...nothing new...just the same old, same old, tired analogies.

    If anyone could prove anything..it would have been said by now. How many days ago did this thread begin!

    Physician, heal thyself.

  • freetosee

    I’ve been following this thread and there were/are periods when it was just like banging ones head against a wall, but happily the discussion continues.

    Complaining about running in circles while answering with reverse questions does not make sense.

  • Satanus


    You'll admit your origins do require a start. And where does that leave you?

    How do you mean that? I'm sort of a mystic.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    A question to Satanus or HS or anyone who is grown up. I have a couple of questions, and I don't know where else to ask. So here I go and bear with me:

    It's my understanding that evolution describes what happened after the moment life began. It is my understanding that the theory does not try to explain how life began, rather it tries to explain how life grew, adapted and changed after such life began. Is that a fair, if simplistic and over generalized, assessment?

    I ask this because of our shared background, and for one reason or another, this issue has never been a big deal to me. So I haven't really investigated it, until recently when, on this thread in particular, I saw a way of thinking I had not seen in over 17 years. This sparked my curiousity and so I've been trying to play catch up.


  • Satanus
    It's my understanding that evolution describes what happened after the moment life began. It is my understanding that the theory does not try to explain how life began, rather it tries to explain how life grew, adapted and changed after such life began. Is that a fair, if simplistic and over generalized, assessment?

    Simple answer. That's correct.


  • Sam87

    man this is crazy, 25 pages?! i was exspecting only a few, lol. i guess its what either brings us together or divides us all up to an extent, the good old 'where did we come from' question.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Simple answer. That's correct.


    I like cutting through the BS and political correctness.

    That's kind of what I thought before, in a half-formed, nebulous way. But I wanted to make sure before I proceeded.


  • acsot

    I feel that this comment bears repeating here:

    AlanF said:

    As usual, TopHat completely misses the implications of a question.

    TopHat, you're rapidly becoming my favorite creationist, for the same reason that the poster "scholar" is my favorite JW defender. Neither of you has any idea what you're talking about, and this ignorance produces arrogance in combination with religious belief, so that you're unable to learn anything or make intelligent responses.

    TopHat refuses any attempt at understanding the most basic elements of evolution. In that aspect, she is still like many JWs. Unwilling to get out of the narrow confines of their religious straightjackets.

  • hillary_step

    My definition of 'trolling' is probably more agressively defined than most. When I see a person regulary participate in a thread but has no intention of reading anything in depth that rebuts their position, or attending to anything that contradicts their alleged views but rather just chants provocatively from the bleachers , then they are either imho trolling or the drooling village idiot on Ecstacy.

    It is with a sense of deep sadness that I suggest that Top Hat is in the latter category.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    HS, one day I've got to find a way to meet up with you and split a bottle. I can't participate in Algonquinian conversation, but I do like to observe.

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