My dad's email response to my UN and Blood Issue questions.

by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Pioneer Spit: *** ... but no, somehow that wasn't tearing ME down, it only counts that I tore them down by criticizing their religious leaders.***

    Yes, it's always about THEM, isn't it? Never mind the pain they and the WTS cause. The dubs just got finished reading the WT article, "When a Loved One Leaves Jehovah." It's too bad they'll never read "When a Loved One Drags His/Her Child Into a Cult."

    R6L, the dubs must really have done a number on you to have spit out such a callous specimen. You need therapy ... fast.

  • Ingenuous
    There was hope early in the first correspondance. He responded from his heart and mind. But once he had time to mull it over and talk to others of like faith, years of conditioning took over and the automatic WT reasoning took over and the result was this letter that you received.

    Exactly what happened to me - except my Dad was kind to my face, then turned and tore me to shreds, in writing and verbally.

    > > Pioneer

  • garybuss

    "Adherents of some religions are very sensitive
    about any attempts to convert them from their faith."

    Page 5 Par. 14 Our Kingdom Ministry
    WTBTS February 1998

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    How in the world can a JW possibly think they really "abstain" from blood, and pour the blood out on the ground??? Fractions of all the components are allowed, yet these take gallons of blood for minute fractions, requiring blood to be stored, not poured out? Taking a "fraction" (little bit) of blood is still taking blood, just as stealing just a little, is still stealing! I can't believe I ever thought this made sense. Actually, it didn't make sense as I couldn't explain it, I just believed because the "We Say-So Corporation" said it was so. Thank goodness we're out.

    Little Bo Peep

  • sass_my_frass

    Maddening. Just been through a few days of the same thing with my folks. Just try to get to a point where they'll permit you to maintain contact. I am convinced that there is no way to get somebody out unless it's on their own power, and it's not fair to try. Anything you say sounds like persecution, and they love a little gentle persecution. It took me fifteen years from my first doubt infection, and if anybody gave me a little push it would actually send me back to the meetings and out on the preach. Just step back, love them, stay in their lives, and get on with your own. Don't even think of it as a long slow battle. Just enjoy life and let them enjoy theirs, and in time you'll hopefully be able to do it on your own terms.

  • rebel8
    He is right nobody is forced to do anything, that was a decision each and everyone of us made when we were part of it.

    Not true. I never did anything jw-related voluntarily. I stopped when I was old enough to escape.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Undercover called it right:

    The WTthink and WTspeak kicked in.

    There was hope early in the first correspondance. He responded from his heart and mind. But once he had time to mull it over and talk to others of like faith, years of conditioning took over and the automatic WT reasoning took over ... start to see the mind control.

    ...the JW comes back later with an almost rehearsed and memorized WT line of reasoning. You're no longer corresponding with the man, the're corresponding with a JW robot.

    As an elder, I could spout the correct answers to almost any question of doubt.
    I think the difference with me was that I knew deep inside that my answers were
    not truly addressing the issues. When I had my own conversation with two elders
    about my doubts, they had the firm robotic answers and I could tell that the PO was
    100% convinced, the other elder was not so robotic, but he had the mindset,
    "We know it's the truth, so we have to work thru those problems."

  • OnTheWayOut

    Also, many here on the thread are logically picking apart the issues, when the letter shows
    that this father is not doing so. He is just stating what sounds like logic to appease his
    JW mindset when discussing the "pouring on the ground."

    Tuesday called it right by saying that the UN and Blood are not issues he's dealing with,
    so you have to find a different chink in his armor, something that hits home. I am trying
    to discuss education and retirement and healthcare issues with my loved ones, because
    they would also say the UN issue was answered by the organization. Maybe, for some of
    you, the UN issue works. Same with blood- I will try to use the issue, but if it fails, I will
    need to move on to other stuff.

  • bubble

    I can just imagine my mum and sister saying the exact same things to me.

    It's heartbreaking isn't it?

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